DOC | Department of Commerce | 2019 NOAA California Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program | NOAA-NOS-ONMS-2019-2005886 |
DOC | Department of Commerce | Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund | NOAA-NMFS-WCRO-2019-2005933 |
DOC | Department of Commerce | FY 2019 Regional Innovation Strategies Program | EDA-HDQ-OIE-2019-2005942 |
DOE-NNSA | NNSA | National Laser Users' Facility (NLUF) | DE-FOA-0001891 |
DOI | Department of the Interior | Notice of Intent to Award to Southern Nevada Water Authority | BOR-LC-19-N004 |
DOI-BOR | Bureau of Reclamation | WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Year 2019 | BOR-DO-19-F004 |
DOI-FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service | Aquatic Invasive Species Grants to Great Lakes Tribes | F19AS00085 |
DOI-FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service | Aquatic Invasive Species Grants to Great Lakes States | F19AS00084 |
DOI-USGS1 | Geological Survey | 2019 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program | G19AS00009 |
DOS-BWA | U.S. Mission to Botswana | Ambassador’s Special Self Help Program – Annual Program Statement | AFREO-19-GR-002-AF-121919 |
DOS-CZE | U.S. Mission to the Czech Republic | US Embassy Prague Small Grants | SE2800-19-GR-EURCZ013019 |
DOS-INL | Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement | Strengthening Rule of Law through Capacity Building for the Defense Bar | INL19GR00018-INLEA-CAPACITYBLDG-01302019 |
DOS-INL | Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement | Afghanistan Vulnerable Post-Incarcerated Women Transitional Houses | INL19GR00016-AFGHAN-WOMENHOUSES-01292019 |
DOS-LBN | U.S. Mission to Lebanon | PAS Beirut-English Language Small Grants | LBN-PAS-19-002 |
ED | Department of Education | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Office of Indian Education (OIE): Indian Education Formula Grants to Local Education Agencies CFDA Number 84.060A | ED-GRANTS-013119-001 |
ED | Department of Education | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program: Expansion Grants CFDA Number 84.411A | ED-GRANTS-020119-001 |
ED | Department of Education | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program: Mid-phase Grants CFDA Number 84.411B | ED-GRANTS-020119-002 |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | FY 2019 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program | EPA-OEI-19-01 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Addressing the Role of Violence on HIV Care and Viral Suppression (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-MH-20-202 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Addressing the Role of Violence on HIV Care and Viral Suppression (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-MH-20-201 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Multidisciplinary K12 Urologic Research (KURe) Career Development Program (K12 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DK-18-027 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Developmental Centers for Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology (P20 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-DK-18-028 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Methods Development for Cryogenic or Other Long-term Preservation and Revival of Drosophila and Zebrafish Genetic Stocks (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-176 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research (SIFAR) Grant Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-178 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-179 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-177 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Administrative Supplements to NCI Grant and Cooperative Agreement Awards to Support Collaborations with the PDX Development and Trial Centers Research Network (PDXNet) (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PA-19-174 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Achieving Tissue Robustness Through Harnessing Immune System Plasticity (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-173 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Achieving Tissue Robustness Through Harnessing Immune System Plasticity (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-19-172 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Addressing the Role of Violence on HIV Care and Viral Suppression (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-MH-20-200 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | NCI Awardee Skills Development Consortium: Research Education Short Courses (UE5 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-CA-19-010 |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Refinement and Testing of Interventions to Sustain ADHD Treatment Effects Across Settings and Developmental Transitions (R34 Clinical Trial Required) | RFA-MH-20-100 |
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis | Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success | SP-19-004 |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities | Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities | 20190326-HT |
USDA-NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Conservation Agreements for Implementing Key Conservation Objectives in Delaware | USDA-NRCS-DE-19-01 |
Grant Round Up Week of 1/29/19 to 2/4/19
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