Ground Round Up Week of 1/22/19 to 1/28/19

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DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2 W81XWH-19-BCRP-BTA12
DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Level 4 W81XWH-19-BCRP-BTA4
DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Level 3 W81XWH-19-BCRP-BTA3
DoD Breast Cancer, Innovator Award W81XWH-19-BCRP-INNOV
DoD Breast Cancer, Era of Hope Scholar Award W81XWH-19-BCRP-EOHS
DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Fellowship Award W81XWH-19-BCRP-BFA
DoD Breast Cancer, Distinguished Investigator Award W81XWH-19-BCRP-DIA
DOD-DIA Defense Intelligence Agency FY 2019 Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) Program HHM402-19-FOA-399
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation Agricultural Water Conservation and Efficiency Grants Fostering District/Farmer Partnerships BOR-MP-19-F003
DOS-AQM Office of Acquisitions Management DRL Human Rights, Democracy, and Rule of Law in Libya SFOP0005541
DOS-CHN U.S. Mission to China Public Diplomacy Programming in the People’s Republic of China EAPBJ-19-GR-001-EAP012819
DOS-DRL Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor DRL Promoting Freedom of Expression in Tunisia SFOP0005539
DOS-IRQ U.S. Mission to Iraq U.S. Embassy Alumni Day DOS-BAGHDAD-PD-2019-003
DOS-SVN U.S. Mission to Slovenia FY 2019 Notice of Funding Opportunity: NGO Small Grants Program DOS-PAS-SLO-2019-001
FY 2019 Notice of Funding Opportunity: Cultural Grants Program DOS-PAS-SLO-2019-002
ED Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) Short-Term Project CFDA Number 84.021A ED-GRANTS-012419-001
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) Long-Term Project CFDA Number 84.021B ED-GRANTS-012419-002
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program CFDA Number 84.022A ED-GRANTS-012419-003
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Competitive Grants for State Assessments Program CFDA Number 84.368A ED-GRANTS-012819-001
HHS-ACL Administration for Community Living Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Community Living and Participation (Research) HHS-2019-ACL-NIDILRR-DPCP-0330
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program HRSA-19-024
Poison Center Network HRSA-19-048
Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program – Emergency Medical Services Supplement HRSA-19-095
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Implementation of shared decision making for HLBS diseases and conditions (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PA-19-166
Biology of Bladder Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-19-168
NHLBI Emerging Investigator Award (EIA) (R35 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-HL-20-012
NHLBI Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) (R35 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-HL-20-011
Mechanistic studies on chronic alcohol use and sleep homeostasis (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-AA-19-006
Progression Markers for Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Dementia (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-170
Provocative Questions (PQs) in Cancer with an Underlying HIV Infection (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-CA-19-032
Biology of Bladder Cancer (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-19-169
Development and Validation of Advanced Mammalian Models for Alzheimers Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-167
Limited Competition for a Connectome Coordination Facility (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-MH-20-210
The KUH Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DK-18-024
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act Grants SP-19-003
USDOJ-OJP-OVW Office on Violence Against Women FY 2019 Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking on Campus Program OVW-2019-15863

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