Grant Round Up Week of 11/27/18 to 12/3/18

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DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation RGSM Genetics Monitoring & Assessment BOR-UC-19-N001
DOI-FWS Fish and Wildlife Service State of the Birds Grant: Piping Plover F19AS00058
DOS-BIH U.S. Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Interethnic Reconciliation and Youth Program 003-FY2019
DOS-IRQ U.S. Mission to Iraq Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program DOS-BAGHDAD-PD-2019-002
DOS-JPN U.S. Mission to Japan U.S. Embassy Tokyo PAS Annual Program Statement PAS-TOKYO-FY19-01
DOS-RUS U.S. Mission to Russia U.S. Embassy Moscow Public Affairs Section FY 2019 Annual Program Statement (APS) Small Grants DOSRUS19GR002
ED Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP): Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools CFDA Number 84.282M ED-GRANTS-113018-001
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ERA Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) RFA-TS-19-001
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Primary Care Training and Enhancement: Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care Program HRSA-19-086
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Rural Residency Planning and Development Program HRSA-19-088
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-086
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research  (Parent K24 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-088
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Leveraging Health Information Technology (Health IT) to Address Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-19-093
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Alcohol-HIV/AIDS Program Project (P01 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-AA-19-002
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Emotion Regulation, Aging and Mental Disorder (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-19-094
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Emotion Regulation, Aging and Mental Disorder (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-19-095
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Through a Comprehensive Understanding of the Natural History of Infection (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PA-19-096
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00  Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-090
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (Parent K23  Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-087
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-084
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-091
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-092
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (Parent K25 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-089
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Independent Scientist Award (Parent K02 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-085
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Research to Advance HBV Cure: HIV/HBV Co-Infection and HBV Mono-infection (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAS-19-097
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Exploring Molecular Links Between Dietary Interventions and Circadian Rhythm (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AG-19-029
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis National Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation SM-19-010
NARA National Archives and Records Administration State Board STATE-201906
NARA National Archives and Records Administration Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions EDITIONS-201910
NARA National Archives and Records Administration Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions EDITIONS-201906
NASA-HQ NASA Headquarters ROSES 2018 B.13 Heliophysics DRIVE Science Centers NNH18ZDA001N-DRIVE
NASA-HQ NASA Headquarters ROSES 2018: Strategic Astrophysics Technology NNH18ZDA001N-SAT
NSF National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions 19-540
NSF National Science Foundation NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences 19-539
NSF National Science Foundation Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science 19-538
USDOJ Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation DOJ-2019-5941

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