Grant Round Up 7/19 – 7/25

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Department of Education

Grantor: Department of Education

Grant Title: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program CFDA Number 84.041C

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Grantor: Department of Education

Grant Title: The Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): Promise Neighborhoods Program CFDA Number 84.215N

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Institute of Museum and Library Services

Grantor: Institute of Museum and Library Services

Grant Title: National Leadership Grants for Libraries

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Grantor: Institute of Museum and Library Services

Grant Title: Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program

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National Science Foundation

Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Chromatin and Epigenetic Engineering (CEE) and Continuum, Compliant, and Configurable Soft Robotics Engineering (C3 SoRo)

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: CISE Research Infrastructure

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships

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Environmental Protection Agency


Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: Great Lakes Integrated Cladophora Research and Modeling in Support of GLWQA Annex 4 Phosphorus Target Setting

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Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: 2017 Targeted Air Shed Grant Program

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Department of the Interior


Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Develop Curriculum Based, Multidisciplinary Outdoor Education Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Inventorying Endemic Insects at White Sands National Monument

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Ethnographic Overview and Assessment for Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conduct Ethnographic Overview and Assessment (EOA) at the Flagstaff Area National Monuments

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restoration and Preservation Maintenance of El Morro’s Historic Headland Trail

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: To promote public awareness of and appreciation for the Oregon and California Trails

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Tribal Alliance for Pollinators

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Ethnographic Overview and Assessment for CAGR

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Section 10 Permits Database

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Mexican Wolf Recovery Program

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Grantor: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Grant Title: BOEM FY 2017 Environmental Studies Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Great Egg Harbor River CMP Implementation

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Musconetcong River Comprehensive Management Plan Implementation

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: The National Symphony Orchestra Capitol Concert Series

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Independence Visitor Center – Operation, Use and Maintenance

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Implement Upper Delaware River Management Plan through the Upper Delaware Council, Inc.

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Tsongas Industrial History Center Partnership Park Unit:  Lowell National Historical Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site – Operations and Management

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Implementation of Maurice River Comprehensive Management Plan and C2A “Wild About Cumberland” Program Expansion

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Cultural Landscape Report

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Climate Change Impacts for Culture Resources in the Intermountain Region, Phase II, Part 1:  Vulnerability Assessment

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Historic Buildings Preservation through Internship -2017

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Increasing Capacity and Sustainability for the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System Act

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Collaborative Approach to Vegetation Management in the Redwood Creek Watershed

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restore Period Worm Fence Lines

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conservation Crew for Corp Team Hitch at Denali National Park & Preserve

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Support for Ford’s Theatre Society’s Live Theatre Productions and Education Programs

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Preserve, protect, educate and promote the public awareness of the Santa Fe Trail

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: To promote and engage in the protection and preservation of the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Ethnographic Resource Study of the Henry and Robinson Farmsteads, Manassas National Battlefield Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Museum Resource Center (MRCE) Collections Preservation and Analysis Internship

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Public Stewardship and Youth Outreach – Invasives Removal

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program; Hurricane Sandy

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Population and Habitat Monitoring and Black-footed Ferret Spotlight Surveys at a Reintroduction Site in Northwest Kansas

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Pine Springs Buffalo Soldier Camp Archaeological Overview and Assessment and Management Plan

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Real-time hydrologic data using LP-WAN

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Preservation Technology and Training Dissemination

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Nature Neighbor Outreach and Stewardship SMMF SAMO

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Facilitating WAFWA population level monitoring and analyses

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Modeling effects of CEC exposures on fish populations within the Great Lakes Basin

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Sustain Our Great Lakes Program

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Population Dynamics and Recovery of Threatened Stellerâ’s and Spectacled Eiders in Alaska

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: American River Fish Hatchery – Fish Mitigation

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Agreement in Seismology

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: SCA Trails Interns

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-(MT)- Mountain Bike Trail Partnership, Billings Field Office

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Perform Improvements on the Orick Horse Trail

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Cesar E. Chavez NM Cultural Landscape Development Project

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service


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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-(MT)- Paleontology Resource Management

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-(SD), Western South Dakota Riparian Complex Research and Technical Guidance Development

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Outdoor Outreach Club

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Restoration of Arid Land Biological Soil Crusts

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Surficial Geologic Mapping in the Missouri National Recreational River in Nebraska and Adjacent Parts of South Dakota

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Design and Implement Research Learning Center Activities in Acadia National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Bandelier Archeological Inventory, 2016-2020 MOD

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: River Water Resource Protection Program and Restoration Demonstration Sites

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: FY 17 KNLT Forestry Techs

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Taunton Wild and Scenic River Assistance

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: FLNI 2017 Youth Cultural Landscapes Maintenance Crew

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Engaging Diverse Youth through Natural Experiences and Developing a Conservation Ethic among Young Citizens

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Folsom-Auburn Recreation Management

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Cooperation To Meet Water Salinity  Objectives At Vernalis

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: FY 17 KNLT NLEB Survey

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Department of Health and Human Services


Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Administrative Supplements for the U.S.-Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP) – U.S. Entity (Admin Supplement)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: First in Human and Early Stage Clinical Trials of Novel Investigational Drugs or Devices for Psychiatric Disorders (U01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Re-Competition of Global Network for Womens and Childrens Health Research (UG1)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Central Neural Mechanisms of Age-Related Hearing Loss (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NIMH Administrative Supplement Program to Enable Continuity of Research Experiences of MD/PhDs during Clinical Training (Admin Supp)

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Early Childhood Developmental Health System: Implementation in a High Need State

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Grantor: Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

Grant Title: Strengthening Processes and Building Capacity to Facilitate Regulatory Review and Approval of Medical Countermeasures During Public Health Emergencies with the World Health Organization

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Telehealth Center of Excellence

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Tobacco Regulatory Science (R21)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Tobacco Regulatory Science Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Using Small Molecules and Molecular Genetics to Identify Novel Targets and Mechanisms Contributing to Tumor Immune Evasion (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NIAID Physician-Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Discovery of Small Molecule Immunomodulators for Cancer Therapy (R01)

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Service Area Competition

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Small Grants on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (R03)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: CAPSTONE Centers for Multidisciplinary Research in Child Abuse and Neglect (P50)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Exploratory/Developmental Investigations on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (R21)

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Grantor: Centers for Disease Control – CGH

Grant Title: Addressing Ebola and other Highly Infectious Diseases Internationally

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Grantor: Administration for Children & Families – ACYF/FYSB

Grant Title: Alaska Native Tribal Resource Center on Domestic Violence

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Population Dynamics Centers Research Infrastructure Program FY 2018 (P2C)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Discovery of in vivo Chemical Probes for Novel Brain Targets (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Discovery of cell-based Chemical Probes for Novel Brain Targets (R21)

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Substance Abuse Treatment Telehealth Network Grant Program

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Synthetic Biology for Engineering Applications (R01)

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Department of Transportation


Grantor: DOT Federal Highway Administration

Grant Title: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Community Colleges

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Grantor: DOT/Federal Railroad Administration

Grant Title: FY17 Locomotive Waste Heat Recovery System Integration, Safety and Field Demonstration (Phase III)

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Department of State


Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title: Legal Protection of the Voting Rights

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Grantor: Bureau of Counterterrorism

Grant Title: Providing Technical Assistance to the International Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism Capacity-Building Clearinghouse Mechanism

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Grantor: Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor

Grant Title: Promoting Religious Freedom in Cuba

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Grantor: Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

Grant Title: Strategic Trade Control Support:  Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

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Grantor: Bureau of Oceans – Int. Environmental – Scientific

Grant Title: Science and Technology (S&T) Dialogues

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Bangladesh

Grant Title: Administration of the Edward M. Kennedy Center for Public Service and the Arts (EMK Center)

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Grantor: Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor

Grant Title: Promoting Religious Freedom in Cuba

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Department of Labor


Grantor: Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Grant Title: Child Labor Beneficiary Monitoring Toolkit Project

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Grantor: Employment and Training Administration

Grant Title: Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (“WANTO”) Technical Assistance Grant Program

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Department of Commerce


Grantor: Department of Commerce

Grant Title: John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program (Prescott Grant Program) for Fiscal Year 2018

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Department of Defense



Grant Title: Care and Rehabilitation of Injured, Ill and Orphaned Migratory Birds and Other Terrestrial Wildlife Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California

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Grantor: Fort Worth District

Grant Title: T&E Species Monitoring for Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Epilepsy, Epilepsy Risk Factors Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Epilepsy, Idea Development Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD, Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s, New Investigator Research Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s, Research Partnership Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s, Quality of Life Research Award

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Grantor: Omaha District


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Grantor: Omaha District


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Grantor: Omaha District

Grant Title: CONSERVATION LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (CLEO) SUPPORT at Avon Park Air Force Range, Eglin AFB, Tyndall AFB, MacDill AFB, Patrick AFB, and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

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Agency for International Development

Grantor: Ethiopia USAID-Addis Ababa

Grant Title: Strengthening Quality of Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment in Ethiopia

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Grantor: Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City

Grant Title: PASCA 3.0 – Central American Project for Sustaining and Championing the Human Rights Response to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

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