Grant Round Up 7/12-7/18, 2017

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Department of the Interior


Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-MT, Greater Sage Grouse Habitat Research in the Sagebrush Focal Area of North Central Montana, Glasgow Field Office, North Central Montana District

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Placement of Two Cultural Landscape Maintenance SCA’s for PETE

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Collaborate on the Execution of the Annual Work Plan of Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, Inc.

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Develop Public Archeology and Engagement Strategy for Tonto National Monument and the Sonoran Desert Network

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Establish Interdisciplinary Youth Conservation Corps Crew

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Provide Collection Assistance in Managing Museum Collections

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Pilot Program: Bioacoustic Assay of Marine Ecosystem Health and Diversity at Channel Islands National Park.

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Historic Preservation, Trail Maintenance and Erosion Control

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Refuge Living Labs

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Impact of Forest restoration activities on soil compaction and soil biological communities

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Trail maintenance Cosby and Big Creek trails system

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Grantor: Office of Surface Mining

Grant Title:  Not-for-profit AMD Reclamation (WCAP)

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Interpretive Intern

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM CA Rock Art and the Public CASO Applegate Bakersfield Field Offices

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Manage Forest Gaps at Morristown National Historical Park

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title:  Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Connecting Youth to Parks through Conservation

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Development of Technical Reference Materials

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Interns at Alaska Regional Office, Cultural Resources and Cultural Landscapes

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Visualization and Analysis of Natural Resource

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Grantor: National Park Service


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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  2017 Groundwork USA Annual Youth Summit

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Mid Klamath River Fall Chinook Spawner Survey

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title:  Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title:  Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Sacramento River Monitoring and Restoration of Juvenile Habitat

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Protect Biological Diversity and Improve Visitor Experience by Removing Exotic Plants (PLC) – SACN

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Preservation Craft Training

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  Joint Fire Science Program FY 2018 Potential Topics

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Cooperative GIS Research and Support for Cultural Resource condition Assessment and Cultural GIS Data Management

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Communicating Natural Resource Information via the Web and Publications

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  National Park Service-Communicating Results from Vital Signsâ¿¿ Monitoring

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Resilient Landscapes:  Watershed Restoration on the Valles Caldera NP

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Mississippi River Basin 2017 Asian Carp Partnership Projects for USFWS Funding

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Appalachian Trail: FY17 Repair/Rehab NY-VT

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Investigate and Interpret the Coleman Slave Quarters

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-(MT), Fish Impediment Inventory Along Montanaâ¿¿s HiLine, North Central Montana District

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  National Park Service- Nutrient Cycling and Plankton Dynamics of Yellowstone Lake

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  National Park Service- Provide Technical Assistance to the NPS Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network and the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Identifying Alaska Refuge Resources of Concern

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Multi-Element Chemical Analysis of Slave Village Soils at Cumberland Island National Seashore

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Engaging Young Adults in Recreation and Community Engagement Projects

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Trail Repair and Restoration

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Cabo Rojo NWR VISTA

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  NPSNOIBRCA1701097

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Trail Repair & Restoration of Landscapes

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Development of Visitor-based acoustical and night sky indicators and standards

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-(MT)- Sage-Grouse Conservation, Rocky Mountain Region

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Interpretation and Environmental Education Internships

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Multi-Use Trail System Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Chinese American Public History, Community Outreach & Engagement

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-Idaho, Wildhorse Management and Education Project, Challis Field Office

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM Idaho Wildland Urban Interface Community Fire Assistance

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Cooperative Agreement w/ Kentucky Natural Lands Trust

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title:  NOI

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Little Rock Central High Integration 60th Anniversary

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title:  WaterSMART: Title XVI Water Recycling Projects Under the WIIN Act

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-CO Invasive Vegetation Management on Colorado’s Public Lands, Little Snake Field Office

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-(MT/Dks)- Documentation for improved Paleontology Resource Management

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-(MT), Traditional Properties and Sacred Site Identification

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Promote and provide cultural heritage programs and events

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Modeling the Impacts of Sub-seasonal Environmental Variability on Devils Hole

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Cultural Landscape Planning of HART

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title:  GAP Analysis

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Program Development and Capacity Building

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title:  BLM-(MT), Botanical and Biotic Crust Information, Eastern District

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title:  Vegetation Classification of Selected Alaska Interior National Wildlife Refuges

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title:  Southwest Border Resource Protection Program

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Department of Transportation


Grantor: DOT Federal Highway Administration

Grant Title:  Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Graduate Fellowship

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Grantor: DOT/Federal Railroad Administration

Grant Title:  FY17 Penn-Farley Complex – Farley Building Loading Dock Reconstruction Project, MSDC

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Department of Agriculture


Grantor: Food and Nutrition Service

Grant Title:  FY17 WIC Special Project Grants Full Mini

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title:  ROSES 2017: Solar Irradiance Science Team

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Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title:  ROSBio Appendix C: Solicitation of Proposals for Possible Inclusion in a Russian Bion-M2 Mission

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Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title:  ROSES 2017: Science Team for the OCO Missions

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Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title:  SpaceTech-REDDI-2017 Appendix E1: Smallsat Technology Partnerships

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National Science Foundation


Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title:  EarthScope

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title:  Marine Geology and Geophysics

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title:  Marine Geology and Geophysics

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title:  Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title:  EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Chromatin and Epigenetic Engineering (CEE) and Continuum, Compliant, and Configurable Soft Robotics Engineering (C3 SoRo)

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National Archives and Records Administration


Grantor: National Archives and Records Administration

Grant Title:  Access to Historical Records: Major Initiatives (Preliminary)

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Grantor: National Archives and Records Administration

Grant Title:  Access to Historical Records: Major Initiatives

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Department of Education


Grantor: Department of Education

Grant Title:  Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): American History and Civics Education: National Activities Grants CFDA Number 84.422B

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Department of Energy


Grantor: Golden Field Office

Grant Title:  Advanced Manufacturing Graduate-Level Traineeships

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Department of Health and Human Services


Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title:  Service Area Competition

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  Consortium Linking Oncology with Thrombosis (CLOT) (U01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  Development of a Device to Objectively Measure Pain (R43/R44)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  Increasing Use of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Traditional and Community Settings  (R61/R33)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  Development of a Device to Objectively Measure Pain (R41/R42)

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Grantor: Office of the National Coordinator

Grant Title:  Certified Health IT Surveillance Capacity and Infrastructure Improvement Cooperative Agreement Program

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  Preparing for Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trials for Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Diseases in the Inpatient Setting (U01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early – Stage Research for Large – Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title:  The NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL) (U24)

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Department of Labor


Grantor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Grant Title:  Susan Harwood Training Grant, FY 2017, (Targeted Topics)

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Department of Commerce


Grantor: Department of Commerce

Grant Title:  Ocean Exploration FY 2018 Funding Opportunity

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Grantor: Department of Commerce

Grant Title:  FY18 Cooperative Research Program (CRP)

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Department of the Treasury


Grantor: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program

Grant Title:  RESTORE Act Direct Component – Non-Construction Activities

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Grantor: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program

Grant Title:  RESTORE Act Direct Component – Construction and Real Property Acquisition Activities

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Grantor: U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program

Grant Title:  RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program

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Department of State


Grantor: U.S. Mission to Australia

Grant Title:  Young Pacific Leaders Conference 2017/2018

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Grantor: PM Weapons Removal and Abatement

Grant Title:  17.PMWRA.ElSalvador.SALW&PSSM.NOFO

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Grantor: PM Weapons Removal and Abatement

Grant Title:  17.PMWRA.Honduras.SALW.NOFO

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to the Dominican Republic

Grant Title:  Building English Teaching Capacity

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Vietnam

Grant Title:  Women’s Empowerment Club

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Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title:  Tunisian Correction’s Standard Operating Procedures

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Grantor: Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

Grant Title:  Understanding China’s Information Campaigns and Public Diplomacy in the Asian and Pacific Regions

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Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title:  Strengthening Rule of Law through Legal Aid Clinics in the Philippines

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Grantor: Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

Grant Title:  Strategic Trade Controls Seminars

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Macedonia

Grant Title:  U.S. Speaker and Specialist Program for Macedonia – Strengthening Democratic Institutions

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Department of Defense


Grantor: Defense Logistics Agency

Grant Title:  Procurement Technical Assistance Program – Option Period

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Grantor: Office of Naval Research

Grant Title:  National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) 2018 Broad Agency Announcement

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Agency for International Development


Grantor: Uganda USAID-Kampala

Grant Title:  Request for Information (RFI) USAID/Uganda Citizens Electoral Engagement Activity (CEEA)

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Grantor: Peru USAID-Lima

Grant Title:  SERVIR Amazonia

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Grantor: Cambodia USAID-Phnom Penh

Grant Title:  Social Behavior Change

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