Grant Round Up 6/28-7/4

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Department of Health and Human Services


Grantor: Centers for Disease Control – NCHHSTP

Grant Title: Integrated HIV Surveillance and Prevention Programs for Health Departments

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C HIV Early Intervention Services Program: Existing Geographic Service Areas

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C HIV Early Intervention Services Program: Existing Geographic Service Areas

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C HIV Early Intervention Services Program: Existing Geographic Service Areas

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Grantor: Office of the National Coordinator

Grant Title: Market Transparency Project for Health IT Interoperability Services

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Clinical Research Sites for the Network of Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical Trials (NeuroNEXT sites) (U24)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Senator Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Centers (MRSRCs) (P50)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Expanding Genome Integrity Assays to Population Studies (U01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change (U2C)

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Department of the Interior


Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Westfield Wild & Scenic River Assistance

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Regional Mark Processing Center and Regional Mark Information System

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Upper Lamar Trail Improvement Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: National Park Service- Visitor Use Study of Extended Day Use on Corridor Trails at Grand Canyon National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Bechler/Canyon Trail Network Restoration Project

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Western Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation in South America

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Western Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation in South America

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Restoration and Implementation

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Migratory Bird Joint Ventures – Gulf Coast Joint Venture

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-CO Archaeological and Heritage Education Partnership

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM Utah Fisheries and Riparian Resources Programs and Projects

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Conserve/Monitor Black-footed Ferrets & Habitats

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Western Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Conservation in South America

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: UWNPS Research Center Support, 2017-18

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Grantor: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Grant Title: Grant Program to Assess, Evaluate and Promote Development of Tribal Energy and Mineral Resources

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Communicating Climate Adaptation Best Practices for Protected Areas

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: National History Day Student Special Prizes and Teacher Theme Books – 2018

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Rocky Mountain National Park Colorado State University Undergraduate Student Internship Program

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Golden Eagle Movement Analysis and Northwest Great Plains Conservation Strategy

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: National Park Service- Sustainable Operations and Facility Adaption 2017-2018

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: University of California, Merced

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Howard Eaton Trail Improvement Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Civil Right Interns in the Nation’s Capital

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Support Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Activities and Events

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Quantifying the effects of the 2016 Coyote Fire on fuel loading and forest structure in Guadalupe National Park

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM Idaho, Idaho Panhandle Wildlife and Conservation Education Outreach Program

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Diversity Joint Venture

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restore Period Worm Fence Lines

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Research and Education Partnership between The Pennsylvania State University and The National Park Service.

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM OR/WA Community Assistance in Wildland Urban Interface

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Grantor: National Park Service


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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Administrative History

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Monitoring Estuarine Condition and Seagrass in NPS Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network Parks

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM Idaho, Idaho Recreation and Tourism Initiative (IRTI)

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM Utah Mineral Resource Information Development Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Vegetation Mapping and Assessment in Sonoran Desert Network Parks

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Archaeological Survey of High Altitude Snow and Ice Patches

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Grand Ditch Restoration Adaptive Management Monitoring

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM OR/WA Curry County Sudden Oak Death Treatment

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Ecology and Management of Kuroshio shot-hole borer

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-WO, National Seed Strategy Implementation and Sagebrush Restoration

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Section 7 Consultation Manual for Rapid Response to Dreissenid Mussels

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Science Applications

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Critical Loads of N Deposition in Grasslands at Carlsbad Caverns National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Inventory and Evaluate Archaeological Resources along High Priority Trail Segments

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Data Analysis and Report Writing for CHDN, SODN, and SOPN Monitoring Programs

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: The origin, character, and mineral potential of Proterozoic-age basement rocks and the nature of the Proterozoic-Paleozoic unconformity in northeastern Iowa

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-NM 2017 Youth Opportunities to Work on Conservation Projects on New Mexico Public Lands

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-NM Partners for a Clean New Mexico

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-NM Tribal Survey Assistance for the Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area (NCA)

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Sacramento River Salmonid Passage Model for Data Assessment in Real Time

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Department of Education


Grantor: Department of Education

Grant Title: Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): International Research and Studies Program: Research, Studies, and Surveys CFDA Number 84.017A

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National Science Foundation


Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF): Core Programs

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Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS): Core Programs

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Environmental Protection Agency


Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency


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Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: National Priorities:Transdisciplinary Research into Detecting and Controlling Lead in Drinking Water

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Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: FY17 Region 4 Catastrophic Coral Disease

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Department of Agriculture


Grantor: National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Grant Title: SARE Regional Host Institution

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Department of Energy


Grantor: Golden Field Office

Grant Title: Photovoltaics (PV) Innovation Roadmap

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Grantor: Office of Science

Grant Title: FY 2018 Research Opportunities in High Energy Physics

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Department of Commerce


Grantor: Department of Commerce

Grant Title: FY18 Bluefin Tuna Research Program

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Department of Labor


Grantor: Employment and Training Administration

Grant Title: Disability Employment Initiative Grants

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Department of the Treasury


Grantor: Community Development Financial Institutions

Grant Title: Fiscal Year 2017 Capital Magnet Fund Program

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Department of Justice


Grantor: Office for Victims of Crime

Grant Title: OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime

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Department of Defense


Grantor: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorders Consortium Award

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Grantor: Dept of the Army — Materiel Command

Grant Title: Proof of Concept Commercialization Pilot Program Innovation Corps @ Department of Defense (I Corps @ DoD)

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Department of Homeland Security


Grantor: Office of Procurement Operations – Grants Division

Grant Title: Genetic Engineering Machine Competition

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Department of State


Grantor: Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons

Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 International Programs to Combat Child Trafficking in the Philippines

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Grantor: PM Weapons Removal and Abatement

Grant Title: 17.PMWRA.Afghanistan.CM Clearance Project.NOFO

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Slovenia

Grant Title: FY 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity: NGO Small Grants Program – Open Competition

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Cuba

Grant Title: U.S. Embassy Havana PAS Annual Program Statement

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Slovenia

Grant Title: FY 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity: Cultural Grants Program – Open Competition

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Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title: International Narcotics and Law Enforcement – Peru Drug Demand Reduction

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Grantor: Assistance Coordination

Grant Title: Increasing Accountability in Tunisia and Empowering the Judicial Financial Pole

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Agency for International Development


Grantor: Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City

Grant Title: Communities Building Peace Together

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Grantor: Haiti USAID-Port Au Prince

Grant Title: Improving Governance in Haiti Program (IGHI)

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Grantor: Agency for International Development

Grant Title: Guinea Financial Accountability Support

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Grantor: Agency for International Development

Grant Title: Partnering for Impact in Guinea

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