Grant Round Up 6/21/17-6/27/17

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National Endowment for the Arts


Grantor: National Endowment for the Arts

Grant Title: NEA Art Works II Application, FY2018

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National Endowment for the Humanities


Grantor: National Endowment for the Humanities

Grant Title: Humanities Open Book Program

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title: ROSES 2017: Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research

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National Science Foundation


Grantor: National Science Foundation

Grant Title: Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research at the Interface of the Biological and Mathematical Sciences

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Department of Agriculture


Grantor: Food and Nutrition Service

Grant Title: USDA-FNS-CACFP-FY 17

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Grant Title: Assistance with the organization and function of the East Creek and McKenzie Brook Watersheds (VT)

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Grantor: Natural Resources Conservation Service

Grant Title: Assistance with the organization and function of the Hungerford Brook and St Albans Bay Watersheds (VT)

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Grantor: Natural Resources Conservation Service

Grant Title: Assistance with the organization and function of the Pike River – Lake Carmi and Rock River Watersheds Planning Groups (VT)

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Grantor: DM-Office of Advocacy and Outreach

Grant Title: Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program

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Grantor: Natural Resources Conservation Service


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Environmental Protection Agency


Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: Host and Facilitation of the State Small Business Ombudsman/Small Business Environmental Assistance Provider 507 Program’s Biannual Training

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Department of the Interior


Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: 15.650 Research Grants, Generic

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Trail Boundary Maintenance-Mid-Atlantic

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Trail Boundary Maintenance-Northern

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Trail Boundary Maintenance-Southern

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Assess Island Biodiversity and Archeological Sites and Develop Communication Strategies with Tribal Partners

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Trail Boundary Maintenance-New England

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Perform Preservation Maintenance on Historic structures

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Trail Boundary Maintenance-Virginia

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Soundscape Analysis and Report Writing

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Mitigate Endangered Bird Habitat prior to Tamarisk defoliation by the Northern Tamarisk Beetle

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Nashua Wild and Scenic River Study Assistance

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Direct Measurement of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) in Coastal Mangroves of Everglades National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Answering Ecological Management Questions for Aquatic Resources in National Parks Using GIS and Remote Sensing Tools

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Adaptive Science

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Inventory and Monitoring Changes In Vegetative Communities on Flood Irrigated Wet Meadows

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative Coastal Systems FY17

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU)

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Nome Community Archaeology Expedition

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Shiawassee NWR Hydrologic Reconnection and Wetland Restoration Phase II

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Remove Hazard Trees and Fuels from the Rainbow Point and Developed Areas of Bryce Canyon National Park

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: 2017-2018 Western Snowy Plover Nest Monitoring and Protection

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: TEK Baseline Research

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: 2017 Yosemite SCA Wilderness Restoration Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Wood-Pawcatuck River Planning Assistance

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-CO Preserving Mining Sites, Gunnison Field Office

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Coastal hydrographic physical dynamics and oceanography assessments

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North Atlantic Coast CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU

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Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Plains CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Applachian Mountains CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North Atlantic Coast CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), Piedmont â¿¿ South Atlantic Coast CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Evaluating Visitor And Manager Preferences for the Shenandoah National Park Visitor Mobile App

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Population genetic analysis of Lake Superior basin Brook Trout

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Detecting Vegetation Change along Everglades National Park boundary areas

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Removal and Surveillance of Argentine Black and White Tegus in the Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area: Protecting Valued Ecological Resources in southern Miami-Dade and northern Monroe Counties

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Lower Rodeo Valley: Restore Habitat to Improve Visitor Experience

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Plains CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Cooperative Amphibian Monitoring in the Greater Yellowstone

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-(MT), Upper Missouri Watershed Restoration

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Federal Assistance to Conduct Programs at National Colonial Farm – Piscataway Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Student Experience in Historical Research on National Historic Trails in Kansas and Missouri

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Bridging the Watershed

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Understanding the ecological changes of Shark River Slough

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conservation Intern for Visitor Services Projects at Anchorage Interagency Visitor Center’s Division of Interpretation and Education.

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Adaptive Science

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: FY 2017 Statutory Aid Funding

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Californian CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Master Cooperative Agreement

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Biological Studies at Fort Carson, Colorado

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Giant Garter Snake Habitat Restoration

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Automation & Management of Cultural Resources

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conservation Crew For Trail Rehabilitate Project on Exit Glacier Trails at Kenai Fjords National Park.

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Actionable Phenological Science for the Water-limited Southwest

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies  Unit, Californian CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Appalachian Mountains CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Plains CEsU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Chesapeake Watershed CESU

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: NCTC: MJV Program Support

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: The Next Generation of Evaporation Pans

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Vegetation Monitoring and Restoration at Joshua Tree National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Archeological Resource Protection Plan for Grazing and Other Known Impacts

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Grantor: Geological Survey

Grant Title: G17AC00243

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: York Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Assistance

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Recreational Trail Use Visitor Survey, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Upgrading Museum Storage for Archeological Collections at the Southeast Archeological Center-A Museum Internship Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Archeological Internships

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: North Fork of Skokomish High School Crew at Olympic National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: National Park Service- Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Mount Vernon Trail Stewards

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: MRCOG LiDAR Survey Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: SCA Community Crews at Mount Rainier National Park

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-WO-Stewardship and Outdoor Ethics Education and Citizen Science Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Engage Career Ready Intern in Conservation Education Work

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Repair/Rehab Moosilauke Mnt Summit

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Repair/Rehab Smart & Moose Mnt

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Appalachian Trail: FY17 Repair/Rehab Smokies

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Catalog and Describe Park Archives in the Southeast Region of the National Park Service

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Golden Eagle Conservation Planning

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-New Mexico, Ecological Studies of Leptonycteris Bats on NM Public Lands

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Educational Civic Engagement

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM-NM, Cave and Karst Conservation Assistance for the Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National Conservation Area

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Mainstem

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Conduct Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Escapement Enumeration Projects

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Survey Park for Populations of Green Salamander

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restoration and Invasive Plants, Natural Resource Interns for Joshua Tree National Park

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: Avian Electrocution Risk Assessment

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Department of Health and Human Services


Grantor: Administration for Children and Families – ACYF/CB

Grant Title: National Quality Improvement Center for Collaborative Community Court Teams to Address the Needs of Infants, Young Children, and Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Integration of Individual Residential Histories into Cancer Research (R21)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NCCIH Natural Product Phase I-IIa Clinical Trial Award (R33)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NCCIH Natural Product Phase I-IIa Clinical Trial Phased Innovation Award (R61/R33)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Integration of Individual Residential Histories into Cancer Research (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Novel Assays for Screening the Effects of Chemical Toxicants on Cell Differentiation (SBIR R44)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NEI Center Core Grant for Vision Research (P30)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R21)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Limited Competition: Research Resource for Systematic Reviews of Complementary and Integrative Health (R24)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Centers of Excellence in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (CEER) (RM1)

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Grantor: Food and Drug Administration

Grant Title: Global Pediatric Clinical Trials Network

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Grantor: Food and Drug Administration

Grant Title: Academic Development of a Training Program for Good Laboratory Practices in High Containment Environments (U24)

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Department of Labor


Grantor: Employment and Training Administration

Grant Title: Program Year 2017 Planning Guidance for National Farmworker Jobs Program

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Department of Energy


Grantor: National Energy Technology Laboratory

Grant Title: Advanced Technology Solutions for Unconventional Oil and Gas Development

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Department of State


Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Empowering Youth to Combat GBV

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Grantor: Department of State

Grant Title: English Access Micro-scholarship Program for Central and Southern Iraq

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Georgia

Grant Title: Media Literacy Program

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Grantor: Department of State

Grant Title: English Access Micro-scholarship Program for Central and Southern Iraq

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Department of Homeland Security


Grantor: Department of Homeland Security – FEMA

Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) – Continuing Training Grants (CTG)

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Grantor: Department of Homeland Security – FEMA

Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) – National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC)

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Department of Defense



Grant Title: Naval Medical Research Center: Research and Development of Protective Vaccines and Other Countermeasures Against Infectious Disease Agents of Military Importance

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Grantor: Office of Naval Research

Grant Title: FY2018 Basic Research Challenge (BRC) Program

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Grantor: NAVAIR

Grant Title: FY17/18 NAWCAD Lakehurst STEM Grants

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Department of Justice


Grantor: Bureau of Justice Assistance

Grant Title: BJA FY 17 Sentinel Events Initiative Demonstration Project: Technical Assistance Provider

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Grantor: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Grant Title: National Victimization Statistical Support Program

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Grantor: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Grant Title: Census of Medical Examiners and Coroners’ Offices

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Grantor: National Institute of Justice

Grant Title: NIJ FY17 ABCD Sub-Study on Social Development

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Grantor: Office for Victims of Crime

Grant Title: OVC FY 17 Developing Future Victim Specialists for Indian Country

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Grantor: Office for Victims of Crime

Grant Title: OVC FY 17 Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center (MV Center)

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Agency for International Development


Grantor: Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City

Grant Title: Strengthening Care and Treatment Cascade

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Grantor: Senegal USAID-Dakar

Grant Title: Guinea Malaria Bilateral

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Grantor: Kenya USAID-Nairobi

Grant Title: Crops and Dairy Market Systems Development Activity

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Grantor: Haiti USAID-Port Au Prince

Grant Title: Improving Governance in Haiti Initiative (IGHI)

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Grantor: Agency for International Development


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