Department of Homeland Security
Grantor: FEMA
Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP)
Grant Info: DHS-18-DAD-024-00-01
Grantor: FEMA
Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program (HSPTAP)
Grant Info: DHS-18-NPD-007-00-01
Grantor: FEMA
Grant Title: Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) - National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC)
Grant Info: DHS-18-NPD-005-00-02
Department of Defense
Grantor: Dept. of the Army
Grant Title: DoD Parkinson's, Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Grant Info: W81XWH-18-PRP-IIRA
Grantor: Dept. of the Army
Grant Title: DoD Parkinson's, Early Investigator Research Award
Grant Info: W81XWH-18-PRP-EIRA
Grantor: Office of Naval Research
Grant Info: N00014-18-S-F008
Grantor: Uniformed Services Univ. of the Health Sciences
Grant Title: Global Health Engagement Research Initiative | Call for White Papers
Grant Info: HU0001-18-CGHE-0001
Department of Energy
Grantor: Golden Field Office
Grant Title: Zonal Isolation for Man Made Geothermal Reservoirs
Grant Info: DE-FOA-0001945
Department of the Interior
Grantor: Bureau of Land Management
Grant Title: BLM-MT/DAK Baseline Study of Rangeland Salinization in NW South Dakota
Grant Info: L18AS00042
Grantor: Bureau of Land Management
Grant Title: MT/DAK Bat Study
Grant Info: L18AS00020
Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation
Grant Title: Continuous Stream Flow Monitoring and Water Quality Analysis
Grant Info: BOR-PN-18-N014
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Sustain Our Great Lakes Program
Grant Info: F18AS00178
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Research and Monitoring of Wyoming Toad Reintroductions
Grant Info: F18AS00182
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Least Bell's Vireo surveys and cowbird trapping
Grant Info: F18AS00186
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Monitoring and outplanting of salt marsh bird's beak
Grant Info: F18AS00187
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Visitor Education and Outreach Program
Grant Info: F18AS00179
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Habitat restoration for Amargosa vole
Grant Info: F18AS00185
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Assessment of population status and habitat requirements of Pinyon Jays in Utah
Grant Info: F18AS00189
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Data Management Supporting Hawaii and Pacific Islands Refugees
Grant Info: F18AS00184
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: History of land use and environmental conditions on Selawik Refuge in the early to mid-20th century
Grant Info: F18AS00151
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Alaska Aquatic Invasive Species Plant Management
Grant Info: F18AS00141
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Mill Creek Notch Ward Dam Fish Ladder to Improve Passage
Grant Info: F18AS00192
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: The Regents University of California
Grant Info: F18AS00196
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Conduct Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Escapement Enumeration Projects
Grant Info: F18AS00171
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: American Hiking Society National Trails Day
Grant Info: F18AS00191
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Pitcher's Thistle Population Viability Assessment
Grant Info: F18AS00193
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Polar Bear Patrols
Grant Info: F18AS00201
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Yukon River Treaty Project Implementation
Grant Info: F18AS00140
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Restoring and Protecting Piping Plover Nesting Habitat in the St. Louis River Estuary-Phase III
Grant Info: F18AS00203
Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service
Grant Title: Fiscal Year 2018 Candidate Conservation Action Funds
Grant Info: F18AS00202
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Make Federal Water Data Available to States and the Public
Grant Info: P18AS00350
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Public Health Intern Program (PHIP)
Grant Info: P18AS00351
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Visitor and Resource Outreach, Support of Equestrian Operations
Grant Info: P18AS00348
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Youth Conservation Corps Trail Restoration at San Juan Island National Historical Park
Grant Info: P18AS00352
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Monitoring Bats in National Parks of the Upper Midwest-GLKN
Grant Info: NPS-NOIP16AC00340-02
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: GLNF-CESU: Survey Research for St. Croix NSR Phase 2- SACN
Grant Info: NPS-NOIP17AC00470-02
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Chihuahuan Desert Network Park Bird Checklists
Grant Info: P18AS00357
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Exotic Vegetation Control and Desert Springs Habitat Restoration, Death Valley NP
Grant Info: P18AS00125
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Vegetation Identification and Monitoring
Grant Info: P18AS00355
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention
Grant Info: P18AS00356
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Cross-Pollination for successful outreach and conservation in US-Mexico Parks
Grant Info: P18AS00354
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Visitor Safety Services for Roadrunner Shuttle at Joshua Tree National Park
Grant Info: P18AS00162
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Young Adult Trail Maintenance Crew at Mount Rainier National Park
Grant Info: P18AS00359
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Great Basin Ranger Corp at Great Basin National Park
Grant Info: P18AS00114
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: YOSE/SEKI Buffalo Soldier Interpretive Interns 2018
Grant Info: P18AS00361
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: PLC Cyclic Removal of Encroaching Vegetation at Richmond Hamilton Farm
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0055
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Regional Meeting SHPO Stipends and Operations
Grant Info: P18AS00364
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Youth Interns Expand Outreach and Improve Visitor Experience
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0035
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: National Cave And Karst Research Institute FY18
Grant Info: P18AS00367
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Repair Fences in Butte Valley to Protect Resources from Burros at Death Valley National Park
Grant Info: P18AS00165
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Youth Perform Cyclic Maintenance on Ruins at ALPO
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0058
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Park History Program Fellow
Grant Info: P18AS00366
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Promote and provide cultural heritage programs and events
Grant Info: P18AS00362
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: NCPE interns with the Cultural Resources, Partnerships, and Science
Grant Info: P18AS00365
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Interns at DOI Museum and Museum Program
Grant Info: P18AS00363
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Alternative Transportation Visitor Shuttle Program
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0061
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Expand Partnership Education Program for Underserved Students
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0060
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Preserve, Catalog and Digitize the Historic Records of YELL fisheries program
Grant Info: P18AS00370
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Museum and Archives Cataloging, Access and Preservation
Grant Info: P18AS00371
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Administrative History: Appomattox Court House NHP
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0062
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Northwest Coast Arts Development and Training
Grant Info: NPS-DOIP18AP00110
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: High Resolution Land Cover Data
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0063
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Museum Collection to Exhibit at the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site
Grant Info: P18AS00101
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Administrative History: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site
Grant Info: NPS-18-NERO-0064
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: National Register Listing Update for Inscription Rock
Grant Info: P18AS00374
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: UWNPS Research Center Support, 2018-19
Grant Info: P18AS00373
Grantor: National Park Service
Grant Title: Identify, Evaluate and Catalog Natural History Tree-Ring Museum Specimens
Grant Info: P18AS00375
Grantor: Geological Survey
Grant Title: Assessment of Larval Fish Production at the St. Mary’s River Rapids Related to Changes in Compensating Gates Operation
Grant Info: USGS-18-FAC-9340
Grantor: Geological Survey
Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement
Grant Info: USGS-18-FA-0209
Grantor: Geological Survey
Grant Title: Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
Grant Info: USGS-18-FA-0172
Grantor: Geological Survey
Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement
Grant Info: USGS-18-FA-0208
Department of Labor
Grantor: Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Grant Title: The Responsible Recruitment project
Grant Info: FOA-ILAB-18-06
Department of State
Grantor: Bureau of Conflict Stabilization Operations
Grant Title: Statement of Interest and Capacity - 2018
Grant Info: SFOP0005170
Grantor: U.S. Mission to Djibouti
Grant Title: Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund (FTIF) Grant Opportunity for U.S. Embassy Djibouti
Grant Info: FTIF-DJI-FY17-01
Grantor: U.S. Mission to Georgia
Grant Title: Promoting Gender Equality in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Exchange Program
Grant Info: DOS-GEO-18-CA-002-062218
Grantor: U.S. Mission to India
Grant Title: DreamBuilder: Helping Women Entrepreneurs Transform Ideas into Enterprise
Grant Info: K-NOFO-18-109
Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement
Grant Title: Enabling Community-Oriented Policing in the Sahel
Grant Info: SFOP0005179
Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement
Grant Title: Increasing Access to Justice in Bangladesh
Grant Info: INL18GR0057-JUSTICE-BANGLADESH-062118
Grantor: U.S. Mission to Mali
Grant Title: Community-Based Activities to Build Civil Society and Youth Capacity in Mali
Grant Info: SML20018GR0005
Grantor: U.S. Mission to Mali
Grant Title: U.S. Embassy Bamako PAS Annual Program Statement
Grant Info: SML20018GR0006
Grantor: Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific
Grant Title: Environmental Governance in U.S. Free Trade Agreement Countries
Grant Info: SFOP0005215
Grantor: Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific
Grant Title: U.S. Air Quality Capacity Building Fellowship
Grant Info: SFOP0005230
Grantor: Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific
Grant Title: Increased Transparency and Control of Mercury in Peru
Grant Info: SFOP0005231
Grantor: U.S. Mission to Ukraine
Grant Title: Ukraine: University Partnership for Pre-Service Training in Government Communications
Grant Info: KYIV2018
Department of Transportation
Grantor: DOT/Federal Transit Administration
Grant Title: 5339(b) Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investment Program
Grant Info: FTA-2018-005-TPM-BUS
Grantor: Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration
Grant Title: Pipeline Safety 2018 State One-Call Grant
Grant Info: DOT-PH-PHP-18-OC
Grantor: Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration
Grant Title: State Damage Prevention (SDP) Program Grants
Grant Info: 693JK31841A0001
Department of Education
Grantor: Department of Education
Grant Title: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Office of Indian Education (OIE): Special Programs for Indian Children: Demonstration Grants CFDA Number 84.299A
Grant Info: ED-GRANTS-062618-001
Grantor: Department of Education
Grant Title: Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program CFDA Number 84.335A
Grant Info: ED-GRANTS-061918-001
Department of Health and Human Services
Grantor: Centers for Disease Control - CSELS
Grant Title: CSELS Partnership: Strengthening Public Health Laboratories
Grant Info: CDC-RFA-OE15-15010401SUPP18
Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration
Grant Title: Service Area Competition
Grant Info: HRSA-19-013
Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration
Grant Title: AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Emergency Relief Funds (ERF)
Grant Info: HRSA-19-028
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in Small Businesses-SBIR/STTR (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Grant Info: PA-18-837
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: Collaborative Human Tissue Network (CHTN) (UM1 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Grant Info: RFA-CA-18-025
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: High-Priority Behavioral and Social Research Networks in Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Grant Info: RFA-AG-19-016
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: High-Priority Behavioral and Social Research Networks (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Grant Info: RFA-AG-19-015
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: NIA AD/ADRD Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory (U54 - Clinical Trial Required)
Grant Info: RFA-AG-19-009
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title:Role of Gut Microbiome in Regulating Reproduction and Its Impact on Fertility Status in Women Living with and Without HIV (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Grant Info: PA-18-838
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: Role of Gut Microbiome in Regulating Reproduction and Its Impact on Fertility Status in Women Living with and Without HIV (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
Grant Info: PA-18-839
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program (D43 Clinical Trial Optional)
Grant Info: PAR-18-840
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Grantor: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Grant Title: Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Continuum of Care Program Competition
Grant Info: FR-6200-N-25
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Grantor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Grant Title: Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Rapid Response Research
Grant Info: NNH18ZHA005C
National Science Foundation
Grantor: National Science Foundation
Grant Title: EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships
Grant Info: 18-565
Grantor: National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Innovation Corps - National Innovation Network Teams Program (I-CorpsTM Teams)
Grant Info: 18-515
Grantor: National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems
Grant Info: PD-18-7564
Grantor: National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Energy, Power, Control, and Networks
Grant Info: PD-18-7607
Grantor: National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Electronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices
Grant Info: PD-18-1517
Small Business Administration
Grantor: Small Business Administration
Grant Title: STEP
Grant Info: OIT-STEP-2018-02
Agency for International Development
Grantor: Agency for International Development
Grant Title: Catalyzing Private Investment
Grant Info: BAA-OAA-PCM-2018
Grantor: Democratic Republic of the Congo USAID-Kinshasa
Grant Title: USAID/DRC funded Environment Partnerships Program (DRC EPP)
Grant Info: 72060518APS00001
Grantor: El Salvador USAID-San Salvador
Grant Title: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION- El Salvador Power Efficiency and Reliability Improvement
Grant Info: USAID-ES-18-01
Grantor: Pakistan USAID-Islamabad
Grant Info: 72039118APS00001
Department of Agriculture
Grantor: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Grant Title: CYFAR Professional Development & Technical Assistance
Grant Info: USDA-NIFA-SLBCD-006630
Grantor: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Grant Title: Air Force Personal Financial Readiness Program Evaluation Development
Grant Info: USDA-NIFA-EXCA-006631
Grantor: Utilities Programs
Grant Title: Rural Housing Preservation Grant
Grant Info: USDA-RD-HCFP-HPG-2018
Grantor: Utilities Programs
Grant Title: Revolving Fund Program
Grant Info: RDRUS-18-RFP
Department of Justice
Grantor: Community Oriented Policing Services
Grantor: Office for Victims of Crime
Grant Title: OVC FY 2018 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program
Grant Info: OVC-2018-14763