Grant Round Up Week of 4/23/19 to 4/29/19

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DOC Department of Commerce American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Project MBDA-OBD-2019-2006047
DOC-NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Grant Programs 2019-NIST-MSE-01
DOD-AMC Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Systems W911NF-19-S-0011
DOD-AMC Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command Development of Quantum Algorithms W911NF-19-S-0010
DOD-DARPA-BTO DARPA - Biological Technologies Office Biological Technologies HR001119S0048
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART: Title XVI WIIN Water Reclamation and Reuse Projects BOR-DO-19-F018
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART: Desalination Construction Projects Under the WIIN Act BOR-DO-19-F008
DOS-CZE U.S. Mission to the Czech Republic US Embassy Prague Small Grants - June 2019 Round SE2800-19GR-EURCZ061519
DOS-DRL Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor Strengthening Leadership With-in Union Councils to Improve Citizen Responsiveness SFOP0005776
DOS-IND U.S. Mission to India World Affairs in Theory and Practice ND-NOFO-19-110-REPOST
DOS-IND U.S. Mission to India Supporting Her Empowerment via Digital Tools ND-NOFO-19-108-REPOST
DOS-IND U.S. Mission to India Smart Cities Collaboration Competition ND-NOFO-19-109-REPOST
DOS-INL Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement Network of International Corrections Experts SFOP0005783
DOS-PA Public Affairs DRL Capacity Building for Ukraine's Local Elections 2020 SFOP0005733
EPA Environmental Protection Agency FY19 and FY20 Region 10 Wetland Program Development Grants EPA-REG10-WPDG-19-01
HHS-ACF-OCC Administration for Children and Families - OCC Native Hawaiian  Non-Profit Organization Child Care Grant HHS-2019-ACF-OCC-YN-1543
HHS-ACF-OCC Administration for Children and Families - OCC American Indian and Native Hawaiian Non-Profit Organization Child Care Grant HHS-2019-ACF-OCC-YN-1544
HHS-ACF-ORR Administration for Children and Families - ORR Refugee Agricultural Partnership Program HHS-2019-ACF-ORR-ZR-1552
HHS-FDA Food and Drug Administration Renewal Application: Kidney Health Initiative (R18) Clinical Trials Optional RFA-FD-19-016
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Medication-Assisted Treatment Expansion (RCORP-MAT) HRSA-19-102
HHS-IHS Indian Health Service Office of Urban Indian Health Programs 4-in-1 Grants, second opportunity HHS-2019-IHS-UIHP2-0002
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NEI Research Grant for Vision-Related Secondary Data Analysis (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-260
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIDA Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and Clinicians (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-258
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIDA Research Center of Excellence Grant Program (P50 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-19-259
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mechanistic Ancillary Studies to Ongoing Clinical Projects (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AR-20-001
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mechanistic Ancillary Studies to Ongoing Clinical Projects (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AR-20-002
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Small Business Innovation Research on Rare Musculoskeletal, Rheumatic and Skin Diseases (SBIR) (R43 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AR-20-003
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Chemical Screening and Optimization Facility (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-19-261
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program FR-6300-N-39
NASA-HQ NASA Headquarters ROSES 2019: Utilization of L- and S- Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery over North America - Joint NASA and ISRO Airborne Campaign NNH19ZDA001N-ISROASAR
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities 20190712-AB
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges 20190712-AE
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and Universities 20190712-AD
NSF National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative 19-579
NSF National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Centers 19-578
NSF National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1: 19-580
USDA-AMS Agricultural Marketing Service Sheep Production and Marketing Grant Program USDA-AMS-TM-SPMGP-G-19-0007
USDA-NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program USDA-NIFA-FINI-006771
USDA-NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program USDA-NIFA-FASLP-006736
USDA-RMA Risk Management Agency Organic Certification Cost Share Programs USDA-FSA-SND-AMA-2019
USDA-RMA Risk Management Agency Organic Certification Cost Share Programs USDA-FSA-SND-NOCCSP-2019
USDA-RUS Utilities Programs Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities RD-RUS-HECG19
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program BJA-2019-15364
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Improving Reentry for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness BJA-2019-15183
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Initiative BJA-2019-15053
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Innovative Reentry Initiatives: Building System Capacity & Testing Strategies to Reduce Recidivism BJA-2019-15250
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Strategies for Policing Innovation BJA-2019-15126
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Student Computer and Digital Forensics Educational Opportunities Program BJA-2019-16290
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program BJA-2019-15099
USDOJ-OJP-BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY 19 The Intellectual Property Enforcement Program:  Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy BJA-2019-15148
USDOJ-OJP-OJJDP Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention  OJJDP FY 19 Youth Gang Suppression Implementation Grants Program OJJDP-2019-14932
USDOJ-OJP-OJJDP Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention  OJJDP FY 19 Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program OJJDP-2019-15036
USDOT-CDFI Community Development Financial Institutions FY 2019 Bank Enterprise Award Program Application CDFI-2019-BEA

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