Grant Round Up 9/27/22 to 10/4/22

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DOC Department of Commerce FY 2023 Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN) NOAA-NMFS-SE-2023-2007555
DOC Department of Commerce FY2023 National Sea Grant College Program Special Projects NOAA-OAR-SG-2023-2007550
DOC Department of Commerce National Competitive Harmful Algal Bloom Programs NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2023-2007530
DOC Department of Commerce Climate Program Office (CPO) Adaptation Sciences: Interdisciplinary research, engagement and capacity building to advance adaptation and resilience in islands of the Caribbean and the Pacific NOAA-OAR-CPO-2023-2007539
DOC Department of Commerce Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce NOAA-OAR-SG-2023-2007535
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DOD Toxic Exposures, Clinical Trial Award W81XWH-22-TERP-CTA
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA Battlefield Wound Management and Infection Research Award W81XWH-22-S-DMRDP-BWMIR
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DOD USAMRDC FY23-FY27 BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT for Extramural Medical Research HT9425-23-S-BAA1
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DOD Toxic Exposures, Translational Research Award W81XWH-22-TERP-TRA
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DOD Toxic Exposures, Investigator-Initiated Research Award W81XWH-22-TERP-IIRA
DOD-DARPA-MTO DARPA - Microsystems Technology Office  Space Power Conversion Electronics (SPCE) HR001122S0059
DOD-ONR Office of Naval Research Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology N00014-23-S-B001
DOD-ONR-NRL Naval Research Laboratory NRL Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Basic and Applied Research N00173-23-S-BA01
DOE Department of Energy Fiscal Year 2023 Distinguished Early Career Program DE-FOA-0002734
DOE-ARPAE Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy  Cooling Operations Optimized for Leaps in Energy, Reliability and Carbon Hyperefficiency for Information Processing Systems (COOLERCHIPS) DE-FOA-0002851
DOE-ARPAE Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy  Cooling Operations Optimized for Leaps in Energy, Reliability and Carbon Hyperefficiency for Information Processing Systems (COOLERCHIPS) (SBIR/STTR) DE-FOA-0002852
DOE-GFO Golden Field Office Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Additional Clean Hydrogen Programs (Section 40314): Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002779
DOE-GFO Golden Field Office Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Marine Energy Systems Innovation at Sea DE-FOA-0002793
DOE-NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL):  Storage, Validation and Testing (Section 40305): Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Phases III, III.5, and IV DE-FOA-0002711
DOE-NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory BIL: Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program FRONT-END ENGINEERING DESIGN STUDIES FOR INTEGRATED CARBON CAPTURE, TRANSPORT and STORAGE SYSTEMS DE-FOA-0002738
DOI Department of the Interior Inflation Reduction Act funding - 2023 OIA-IRA-CLIMATE-TAP2023
DOI Department of the Interior OIA-BIL Activity 8 - Restore native vegetation and mitigate environmental hazards on mined Federal and non-Federal land OIA-BIL-MINEDLANDS-2023
DOI Department of the Interior OIA Coral Reef and Natural Resources Program 2023 OIA-CRNR2023
DOI Department of the Interior OIA Technical Assistance Program 2023 OIA-TAP2023
DOI Department of the Interior OIA Brown Treesnake Program 2023 funding announcement OIA-BTS2023
DOI Department of the Interior OIA Maintenance Assistance Program 2023 OIA-MAP2023
DOI-BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs 2022 Tribal Motor Vehicle Safety Summit BIA-IHSP-2023-001
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2023 R23AS00016
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation CVP Conservation Program & CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program FY23 R23AS00026
DOI-FWS Fish and Wildlife Service F23AS00032 - 2023 Coastal Program F23AS00032
DOI-FWS Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife FY23 F23AS00030
DOI-NPS National Park Service FY2022 Historic Preservation Fund- Save America's Treasures Preservation Grants P22AS00432
DOI-NPS National Park Service FY2022 Historic Preservation Fund- Save America's Treasures Collection Grants P22AS00433
DOI-USGS1 Geological Survey Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program, National Ground-Water Monitoring Network G23AS00358
DOL-ETA Employment and Training Administration DOL Nursing Expansion Grant Program FOA-ETA-22-16
DOS-CMR U.S. Mission to Cameroon PEPFAR Small Grants Program POL/ECON, U.S. Embassy Yaounde AFYDE-PSGCLM-GR-POLECON-2022
DOS-ECA Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs FY 2023 BridgeUSA Africa Polytechnic Collaboration Initiative SFOP0009212
DOS-ECA Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs FY2023 BridgeUSA Journalism and Rule of Law Scholarship Program SFOP0009210
DOS-MLT U.S. Mission to Malta U.S. Embassy Malta Public Notice for Statements of Interest 4216-23-001
DOS-NEA-AC Assistance Coordination Supporting the Syrian Political Process SFOP0009213
DOT-FHWA DOT Federal Highway Administration  2023 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund 2023TTPSF
DOT-FTA DOT/Federal Transit Administration FY22 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Transit Buses Demonstration and Automated Transit Bus Maintenance and Yard Operations Demonstration FTA-2022-015-TRI-STAR
ED Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Higher Education Programs (HEP): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) Center of  Excellence in Spatial Computing (CESC) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116Q ED-GRANTS-092222-001
ED Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Safe & Supportive Schools: School-Based Mental Health Services (SBMH) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.184H ED-GRANTS-100422-001
EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet EPA-G2023-P3-Q1
EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet EPA-G2023-P3-Q2
EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet EPA-G2023-P3-Q3
EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet EPA-G2023-P3-Q4
HHS-ACF-ORR Administration for Children and Families - ORR Residential (Long Term Foster Care) Services for Unaccompanied Children HHS-2023-ACF-ORR-ZU-0162
HHS-AHRQ Agency for Health Care Research and Quality AHRQ Mentored Research Scientist  Career Development Award (K01) PA-22-255
HHS-CDC-ATSDR Centers for Disease Control - ATSDR ATSDR's Partnership to Promote Local Efforts To Reduce Environmental Exposure CDC-RFA-TS-23-0001
HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - ERA Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) RFA-TS-23-001
HHS-CDC-NCIPC Centers for Disease Control - NCIPC Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA): Achieving Health Equity through Addressing Disparities (AHEAD) CDC-RFA-CE23-2301
HHS-CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Health Home for Individuals with Chronic Conditions CMS-2J2-23-001
HHS-CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Health Home for Children with Medically Complex Conditions CMS-3J3-23-001
HHS-FDA Food and Drug Administration OMHHE Educational Funding Opportunity: Expanding education on skin lightening products (U01) Clinical Trials Not Allowed RFA-FD-23-005
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Family Engagement and Leadership in Systems of Care HRSA-23-078
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Children's Safety Network HRSA-23-080
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health NIAID Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-241
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Consortium for Design of TB Drug Regimens (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AI-22-059
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action  Innovation and Acceleration Projects, Phased Awards (R61/R33, Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-DA-23-057
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health HEAL Initiative: HEAL Data2Action  Acceleration Projects (R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-23-058
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Advancing Methods for Safe, Noninvasive, Real Time Assessment of Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-237
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Advancing Methods for Safe, Noninvasive, Real Time Assessment of Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-236
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Diversity Centers for Genome Research (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trials Optional) RFA-HG-22-027
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Diversity Centers for Genome Research (U54 Clinical Trials Optional) RFA-HG-22-026
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Advanced Training in Artificial Intelligence for Precision Nutrition Science Research (AIPrN)  Institutional Research Training Programs (T32) RFA-OD-22-027
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health INvestigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE (INCLUDE) Clinical Research Short Course (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-195
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Cannabis and Cannabinoid Use in Adult Cancer Patients During Treatment: Assessing Benefits and Harms (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-22-052
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Coordinating Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoid Use in Adult Cancer Patients During Treatment: Assessing Benefits and Harms  (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-22-053
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Biological Basis for how Environmental Exposures Impact Risk for Psychiatric Disorders (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-ES-22-009
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Biological Basis for how Environmental Exposures Impact Risk for Psychiatric Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-ES-22-008
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Genetic Tools for Understanding Rickettsial and Related Infections (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AI-22-047
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Advancing Adolescent Tobacco Cessation Intervention Research (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-CA-22-042
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Advancing Adolescent Tobacco Cessation Intervention Research (R01 Clinical Trial Required) RFA-CA-22-043
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Therapeutics for Eliminating Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA (R21/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AI-22-068
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN): Coordinating Unit for Biostatistics, Informatics, and Engagement (CUBIE) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-MH-22-291
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Mechanism-Focused Research to Promote Adherence to Healthful Behaviors to Prevent Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimers Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required) RFA-AG-23-034
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Clinical Sites for HIV/Cervical Cancer Prevention 'CASCADE' Clinical Trials Network (UG1 Clinical Trial Required) RFA-CA-22-051
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN): Specialized Collaboratory on Human, Non-human Primate, and Mouse Brain Cell Atlases (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-MH-22-292
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN): Comprehensive Center on Human and Non-human Primate Brain Cell Atlases (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-MH-22-290
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Human Islet Research Network (HIRN) Pancreas Knowledgebase Program (PanKbase) (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DK-22-018
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Basic/Translational Research on Health Disparities in Underrepresented People Living with HIV (PLWH) and Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-22-056
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Basic/Translational Research on Health Disparities in Underrepresented People Living with HIV (PLWH) and Cancer (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-22-057
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development FY 2022 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Program FR-6600-N-34
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development FY 2022 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program FR-6600-N-52
NASA-HQ NASA Headquarters ROSES 2022: Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space NNH22ZDA001N-HLCAS
NASA-HQ NASA Headquarters ROSES 2022: Multidomain Reusable Artificial Intelligence Tools NNH22ZDA001N-MDRAIT
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities 20230202-DOI-DOC
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions 20230112-PG
NSF National Science Foundation Racial Equity in STEM Education 22-634
NSF National Science Foundation Build and Broaden: Enhancing Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions 22-638
NSF National Science Foundation Advanced Chip Engineering Design and Fabrication 22-636
NSF National Science Foundation Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 22-637
NSF National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 22-635
NSF National Science Foundation Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 22-639
PAMS-SC Office of Science FY2023 Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program DE-FOA-0002844
USAID-BAN Bangladesh USAID-Dhaka USAID's Community Nutrition and Health Activity 72038822RFA00006
USAID-PER Peru USAID-Lima USAID/Peru and South America Regional (SAR) Locally Led Development Initiative 72052722APS00001
USAID-SAF South Africa USAID-Pretoria Accelerate TB Elimination & Program Resilience Activity (ACCELERATE 1) 72067422RFA00009
USDA-FNS1 Food and Nutrition Service Development and Implementation of Healthy Meals Incentives Recognition Awards and Sub-Grants for School Food Authorities USDA-FNS-2023-HMI
USDA-NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Carbon Monitoring Training and Outreach Agreements USDA-NRCS-NHQ-22-NOFO0001213
USDA-RBCS Rural Business-Cooperative Service  Fertilizer Production Expansion Program RD-RBCS-22-01-FPEP
USDA-RUS Rural Utilities Service Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program TATFY23
USDA-RUS Rural Utilities Service Solid Waste Management Grant Program SWMFY2023

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