GRANT ROUND UP 7/16/24-7/22/24

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DOD-AFRL Research and Development (RAD) Directed Energy (RD) University Assistance Instruments RDK-RAD-FOA-2024
DOD-AMRAA DoD Combat Readiness - Medical, Translational Research Award HT9425S24CRRPTRA
DOE-ARPAE Nuclear Energy Waste Transmutation Optimized Now (NEWTON), DE-FOA-0003418 DE-FOA-0003418
  Nuclear Energy Waste Transmutation Optimized Now (NEWTON) SBIR/STTR, DE-FOA-0003419 DE-FOA-0003419
DOL-ETA Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants (Round 5) FOA-ETA-24-23
  YouthBuild FOA-ETA-24-53
DOS-DOM Voces que nos unen: Dominican youth advocate for human rights through storytelling S-DR860-24-NOFO-002
  Dominican-U.S. Higher Education Network Building Initiative S-DR860-24-NOFO-001
DOS-DZA STEM Program 2024 PAS-ALG-FY24-06
  North African Network to Counter Mis- and Dis-information PAS-ALG-FY24
DOS-EB FY24 EB ITSI Programs Philippines – Statements of Interest DFOP0016764
  FY24 EB ITSI Programs Costa Rica – Statements of Interest DFOP0016763
  FY24 EB ITSI Programs Vietnam – Statements of Interest DFOP0016759
  FY24 EB ITSI Programs Mexico – Statements of Interest DFOP0016767
DOS-LSO ARDF FY24_Capacity Building and Human Rights Training for Lesotho Correctional Services leadership and policymakers DOS-MSU-ARDF-FY24
DOS-MDA Alumni Grants Program PDS-CHISINAU-FY24-04
DOS-NZL U.S. Embassy New Zealand, PD, United States/New Zealand, 150 years of Scientific Collaboration Small Grants Program PDS-NEWZEALAND-2024-11
DOS-SEN Atlantic Partnership Marine and Blue Economy DOS-DKR-ESF-FY24-01
DOS-SRB U.S. Embassy Belgrade - Countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) SRB10024FO-06
DOT-FHWA FY 2024-2026 Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program 693JJ324NF00027
DOT-FRA FY21-24 Restoration and Enhancement Grant Program FR-RAE-24-001
ED Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Tribal Controlled Colleges or Universities (TCCUs) Research and Development Infrastructure (RDI) Grant Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.116H ED-GRANTS-071824-001
HHS-AHRQ Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve Quality at the Point of Care (R21/R33 - Clinical Trial Optional) PA-24-266
  Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Healthcare Safety (R18) PA-24-261
HHS-HRSA Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program HRSA-25-077
  Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program HRSA-25-091
HHS-NIH11 Women's Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Program (K12 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-HD-25-005
  Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-252
  Halting Tuberculosis (TB) Transmission (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-AI-24-049
  Building Sustainable Software Tools for Open Science (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-OD-24-010
  NIH Research Software Engineer (RSE) Award (R50 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) RFA-OD-24-011
  Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32) PAR-24-232
  NIDCR Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Broad Participation in Research (K01 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-25-022
HHS-OPHS Supporting Vaccine Confidence NV-VSR-24-001
HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds FR-6800-N-25A
  Healthy Homes Production Grant Program FR-6800-N-44
IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (2025) LB21-FY25
  National Leadership Grants for Libraries (2025) NLG-LIBRARIES-FY25
NASA-HQ ROSES 2024: C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research NNH24ZDA001N-ICAR
  ROSES 2024: A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign NNH24ZDA001N-WFC
  ROSES 2024: A.21 TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team NNH24ZDA001N-TEMPOACX
NSF PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation 20-558
USDA-FAS Assisting Specialist Crop Exports: Provision of MRL Information USDA-FAS-10621-0750-10-24-0006
USDA-FS USDA Forest Service - GLRI Forest Restoration 2024 USDA-FS-GLRI-FR24
  USDA FS GLRI Cooperative Weed Management Areas 2024 USDA-FS-GLRI-CWMA24
USDOJ-OJP-COPS FY24 COPS Directed Announcement: Administrative Funding Adjustments to Previously Funded Awards (CPD) O-COPS-2024-172160
  FY24 COPS Directed Announcement: Administrative Funding Adjustments to Previously Funded Awards (AHTF) O-COPS-2024-172142

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