DHS-DHS | Department of Homeland Security - FEMA | Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) - Continuing Training Grants (CTG) - Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) | DHS-23-NPD-005-00-99 | |
DHS-DHS | Department of Homeland Security - FEMA | Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) - National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) | DHS-23-NPD-005-00-98 | |
DOC-EDA | Economic Development Administration | Tech Hubs Phase 1 NOFO | EDA-TECHHUBSPHASE1-2023 | |
DOD | Department of Defense | Natural Resources Support at Edwards AFB, CA. | W9126G-23-2-SOI-3119 | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Hearing Restoration, Focused Research Award | HT9425-23-HRRP-FRA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Vision Investigator-Initiated Research Award | HT9425-23-VRP-IIRA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Vision Focused Translational Team Science Award | HT9425-23-VRP-FTTSA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Vision Clinical Trial Award | HT9425-23-VRP-CTA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Vision Translational Research Award | HT9425-23-VRP-TRA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Vision Mentored Clinical Research Award | HT9425-23-VRP-MCRA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DoD Combat Readiness - Translational Research Award | HT9425-23-S-CRRP | |
DOD-COE-ERDC | Engineer Research and Development Center | Integrating long term datasets with next generation ecological models to quantify ecological response in aquatic systems | W81EWF-23-SOI-0015 | |
DOD-COE-ERDC | Engineer Research and Development Center | Research to Continue Investigation of Hydrometeorological Prediction and the Application of Using Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Capabilities to Inform Reservoir Operations | W81EWF-23-SOI-0013 | |
DOD-COE-FW | Fort Worth District | Invasive Species & Post Fire Rehab at Travis AFB, CA | W9126G-23-2-SOI-2164 | |
DOD-DARPA-MTO | DARPA - Microsystems Technology Office | High Operational Temperature Sensors (HOTS) | HR001123S0036 | |
DOE-01 | Headquarters | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) Fixed Award Grant Program | DE-FOA-0003045 | |
DOE-ARPAE | Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy | Request for Information (RFI) on Transmutation of Nuclear Waste | DE-FOA-0003091 | |
DOI-BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs | Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP) | BIA-LLGP-2023-OIED | |
DOI-USGS1 | Geological Survey | Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit | G23AS00369 | |
DOI-USGS1 | Geological Survey | Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with USGS- Californian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit | G23AS00376 | |
DOI-USGS1 | Geological Survey | Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with the Great Lakes – Northern Forest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) | G23AS00370 | |
DOI-USGS1 | Geological Survey | Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit | G23AS00371 | |
DOL-ETA | Employment and Training Administration | Program Year 2023 Planning Guidance for National Farmworker Jobs Program Career Services and Training Grantees | TEGL-ETA-17-22-AC | |
DOL-ETA | Employment and Training Administration | Program Year 2023 Planning Guidance for National Farmworker Housing Grantees | TEGL-ETA-17-22-MH | |
DOL-ETA | Employment and Training Administration | National Farmworker Jobs Programs Youth Grants | TEGL-ETA-17-22-MY | |
DOL-ETA | Employment and Training Administration | Program Year (PY) 2023 Planning Instructions and Allotments for Senior Community Service Employment Program SCSEP) State, Territorial, and National Grantees. | ETA-TEGL-18-22 | |
DOL-ETA | Employment and Training Administration | Critical Sector Job Quality Grants | FOA-ETA-23-13 | |
DOL-ODEP | Office of Disability Employment Policy | Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) | FOA-ODEP-23-10 | |
DOS-COL | U.S. Mission to Colombia | Advancing Media Literacy of Regional Journalists in Colombia | PDS-BOG-FY23-SG | |
DOS-DRL | Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor | DRL Support for Recently Exiled Cuban Human Rights Defenders | SFOP0009705 | |
DOS-IND | U.S. Mission to India | A Climate Action Podcast | ND-NOFO-23-102 | |
DOS-INL | Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement | Countering the Illicit Exotic Pet Trade in South and Central Asia | SFOP0009785 | |
DOS-ISN | Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation | Security & Strategic Trade Management Academy | SFOP0009793 | |
DOS-KAZ | U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan | Legal Support and Education for Media Professionals | DOS-KAZ-AST-AEECA-23-002 | |
DOS-LKA | U.S. Mission to Sri Lanka | SMALL & MIGHTY GRANTS PROGRAM | PDS-COL-2023-SMG | |
DOS-MOZ | U.S. Mission to Mozambique | Vocational School Training for Industrial and Commercial Institute of Pemba | DOS-AF-MAP-PD-FY23-06 | |
DOS-NEA-AC | Assistance Coordination | Supporting American-Style Higher Education in Iraq 2023 | SFOP0009792 | |
DOS-SCT | Bureau of Counterterrorism | Somalia Crisis Response Team: Mentoring & Advisory Services for Somalia Police Force Response Unit | SFOP0009779 | |
DOT-RITA | 69A355 Research and Technology | Region 8 UTC Competition Re-open | REGION8UTCCOMPREOPEN | |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | Manage the Compliance Assistance Centers Program | EPA-OECA-CACP-2023-01 | |
HHS-ACF-CB | Administration for Children and Families - ACYF/CB | Providing Support Through a National Hotline for Child Safety and Family Well-Being Concerns | HHS-2023-ACF-ACYF-CA-0077 | |
HHS-ACF-OCS | Administration for Children and Families - OCS | Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Collaborative on Economic Mobility | HHS-2023-ACF-OCS-ET-1115 | |
HHS-ACF-OPRE | Administration for Children and Families - OPRE | Prevention Services Evaluation Partnerships: Building Evidence for Mental Health, Substance Use, In-home Parent Skill-based, and Kinship Navigator Programs and Services | HHS-2023-ACF-OPRE-FA-0041 | |
HHS-ACL | Administration for Community Living | State of the States in Developmental Disabilities-On-going Data Collection and Information Dissemination | HHS-2023-ACL-AOD-DNPA-0033 | |
HHS-ACL | Administration for Community Living | Promoting Positive Employment Outcomes Among People with Disabilities who are Experiencing Long-COVID | HHS-2023-ACL-NIDILRR-DPEM-0000 | |
HHS-ACL | Administration for Community Living | Tribal Long Term Service and Support National Resource Center | HHS-2023-ACL-AOA-IELT-0046 | |
HHS-CDC-CFA | Centers for Disease Control - CFA | Centers for Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling | CDC-RFA-FT-23-0069 | |
HHS-CDC-NCCDPHP | Centers for Disease Control - NCCDPHP | Closing the Gap with Social Determinants of Health Accelerator Plans | CDC-RFA-DP-23-0077 | |
HHS-CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | Minority Research Grant Program (MRGP) | CMS-1W1-23-001 | |
HHS-FDA | Food and Drug Administration | Renewal-Local Food Producer Outreach, Education and Training to Enhance Food Safety and FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Compliance (U01) Clinical Trial Not Allowed | RFA-FD-23-031 | |
HHS-HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program | HRSA-23-049 | |
HHS-HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management | HRSA-23-121 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Awards Supporting Cutting-Edge Technologies for Translational Science (ASCETTS) (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) | PAR-23-177 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Promote Diversity (R36 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-174 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R34 Clinical Trials Optional) | PAS-23-172 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R01 Clinical Trials Optional) | PAS-23-173 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Research (R01 Clinical Trial Required) | PAR-23-187 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Patient Engagement Resource Centers to Inform SUD Treatment Services Research (R24 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-24-016 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Research (R34 Clinical Trial required) | PAR-23-188 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Alcohol Health Services Research (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-186 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Alcohol Health Services Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-185 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Early-Stage Therapy Development for Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-24-010 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Collaborative Opportunities for Multidisciplinary, Bold, and Innovative Neuroscience (COMBINE) (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-NS-23-027 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Analyzing Early Events in TB and TB/HIV Infection for Interventional Targets (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-AI-23-029 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Understanding Gene-Environment Interactions in Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-AG-24-021 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Quantifying the Impact of Environmental Toxicants on Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) Risk in Cohort Studies (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-AG-24-022 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Advancing Psychedelics Research for Treating Addiction (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-DA-24-028 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Advancing Psychedelics Research for Treating Addiction (R61/R33 Basic Experimental Study with Humans Required) | RFA-DA-24-029 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) for Infectious Diseases (U24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) | RFA-AI-23-032 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Emergency Medicine Research Career Development Program in the Neurological Sciences (EMRCDP-NS) (K12 - No Independent Clinical Trial Allowed) | PAR-23-151 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Advancing Psychedelics Research for Treating Addiction (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required) | RFA-DA-24-024 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Evaluating Neurocognitive Complications of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Potential Risk and Protective Factors Clinical Centers (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-DK-23-010 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Evaluating Neurocognitive Complications of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Potential Risk and Protective Factors Biostatistics Research Center (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-DK-23-009 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Preclinical Studies to Characterize the Impact of Toxicants on Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-AG-24-023 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Measuring Financial Hardship Among People and Families Living with AD/ADRD (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)? | RFA-AG-24-036 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-183 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Significance of Clonal Hematopoiesis (CH) in Aging Humans (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)? | RFA-AG-24-038 | |
HHS-OPHS | Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health | Healthy Families Community-Based Perinatal Health Initiative | MP-CPI-23-004 | |
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis | Cooperative Agreements for 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Center Follow-Up Programs | FG-23-003 | |
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis | Cooperative Agreements for States and Territories to Improve Local 988 Capacity | FG-23-006 | |
HHS-SAMHS-SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis | Support for 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements | FG-23-005 | |
LOC | Library of Congress | Of the People: Widening the Path: Connecting Communities Digital Initiative - Artist or Scholar in Residence | 030ADV23R0033 | |
LOC | Library of Congress | Library of Congress - Of the People: Widening the Path: CCDI -Higher Education | 030ADV23R0034 | |
LOC | Library of Congress | Of the People: Widening the Path: Connecting Communities Digital Initiative - Libraries, Archives and Museums | 030ADV23R0035 | |
NASA-HQ | NASA Headquarters | Support for Planetary Sample Science (SPSS) Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) | NNH23ZDA017C | |
NEA | National Endowment for the Arts | NEA Grants for Arts Projects 2, FY2024 | 2023NEA01GAP2 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Decision, Risk and Management Sciences | PD-23-1321 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence Research Infrastructure Improvement | 23-588 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | EPSCoR Collaborations for Optimizing Research Ecosystems Research Infrastructure Improvement Program | 23-587 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Community Infrastructure for Research in Computer and Information Science and Engineering | 23-589 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1 | 23-582 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Economics | PD-23-1320 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Expanding TRIPODS through Partnerships | 23-591 | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | NSF Convergence Accelerator Phases 1 and 2 for the 2023 Cohort - Tracks K, L, M | 23-590 | |
USAID-GHA | Ghana USAID-Accra | Expand Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health (ExpandPF) | 72062423RFA00004 | |
USAID-SSD | South Sudan (USAID)-Juba | Tamkeen (an Arabic word meaning Empowerment) | 72066823RFA00001 | |
USDA-NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Easement Programs Restoration and Stewardship Assistance Fiscal Year 2023 Announcement for Program Funding - SOUTH CAROLINA | USDA-NRCS-SC-ACEP-23-NOFO0001295 | |
USDA-NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service | Conservation Innovation Grants Rhode Island State Program | USDA-NRCS-RI-CIG-23-NOFO0003101 | |
USDOJ-OJP-BJA | Bureau of Justice Assistance | BJA FY 23 Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative | O-BJA-2023-171767 |
Grant Round Up 5/9/23 to 5/15/23
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