Grant Round Up 5/21/19 to 5/27/19

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DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 5 DHS-19-NPD-111-05-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 6 DHS-19-NPD-111-06-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 7 DHS-19-NPD-111-07-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 9 DHS-19-NPD-111-09-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 High Hazard Potential Dams (HHPD) Rehabilitation Grant DHS-19-MT-041-00-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 8 DHS-19-NPD-111-08-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 10 DHS-19-NPD-111-10-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 1 DHS-19-NPD-111-01-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 2 DHS-19-NPD-111-02-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 3 DHS-19-NPD-111-03-01
DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Region 4 DHS-19-NPD-111-04-01
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DoD Vision, Focused Translational Team Science Award W81XWH-19-VRP-FTTSA
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DoD Vision, Translational Research Award W81XWH-19-VRP-TRA
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DoD Vision, Investigator- Initiated Research Award W81XWJ-19-VRP-IIRA
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA DoD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Idea Development Award W81XWH-19-DMDRP-IDA
DOI-FWS Fish and Wildlife Service Genesee River and Genesee River Watershed Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Settlement F19AS00221
DOS-HTI U.S. Mission to Haiti Haiti: Fiscal Transparency DOS-PD-PAP-FTIF-19
DOS-KGC U.S. Mission to Kyrgyzstan Annual Program Statement for Public Affairs Cultural and Educational Programs STATE-BISHKEK-PAS-19-0002
DOS-MKD U.S. Mission to North Macedonia Media Mentorship Program SMK80019PAS005
DOS-NIC U.S. Mission to Nicaragua Managua Annual Program Statement - PAS Small Grants Program SNU700-FY19-PAS-01
DOS-SEN U.S. Mission to Senegal Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Project- Senegal DKR-NOFO-FY18-03
DOS-TZA U.S. Mission to Tanzania US Study Abroad Engagement Grant DOS-DAR-EDUSA-2019
ED Department of Education OSERS-OSEP: Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel CFDA Number 84.325D ED-GRANTS-052219-001
ED Department of Education OSERS-OSEP: Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education Early Intervention and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs, CFDA Number 84.325K: Focus Area A ED-GRANTS-052419-001
ED Department of Education OSERS-OSEP: Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education Early Intervention and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs, CFDA Number 84.325K: Focus Area B ED-GRANTS-052419-002
HHS-ACF-FYSB Administration for Children & Families - ACYF/FYSB Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education HHS-2019-ACF-ACYF-TS-1549
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) Payment Program HRSA-20-009
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Methods to Improve Reproducibility of Human iPSC Derivation, Growth and Differentiation (SBIR) (R44  Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-GM-19-001
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Research Associate Training (PRAT) Program (Fi2) PAR-19-286
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Workshops on the Use of Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Data (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-20-001
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Understanding Senescence in Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AG-20-025
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Department's Fiscal Year 2019 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Program FR-6300-N-33
NEA National Endowment for the Arts NEA Our Town, FY2020 2019NEA01OT
NSF National Science Foundation NSF Convergence Accelerator PD-19-095Y
SBA Small Business Administration Federal and State Technology Partnership Program (FAST) FAST-2019-R-0013
USDA-NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Sun Grant Program USDA-NIFA-SGP-006775
USDA-RHS Utilities Programs Rural Housing Preservation Grant USDA-RD-HCFP-HPG-2019
USDOJ-OJP-OVC Office for Victims of Crime FY 2019 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Specialist Program OVC-2019-15600

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