Week of 8/13/18

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Newly released grants from HUD, Department of Labor, and the National Park Service in this week's round-up. The National Park Service is working towards preserving the sites related to the African American struggle to gain equal rights as citizens in the 20th Century in their African American Civil Rights (AACR) Preservation Grants. There is up to $100 million available to award from the Department of Labor for the Trade and Economic Transition National Dislocated Worker Grant. Funding focuses on addressing ongoing or emerging workforce and economic challenges by providing training and career services to dislocated workers seeking reentry into the workforce. Reducing lead paint exposure is the aim of HUD's Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program. 

National Park Service
Grant Title: African American Civil Rights (AACR) Preservation Grants
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=308042
Details: The National Park Service's (NPS) African American Civil Rights Grant Program (AACR) will document, interpret, and preserve the sites related to the African American struggle to gain equal rights as citizens in the 20th Century. The NPS 2008 report, "Civil Rights in America, A Framework for Identifying Significant Sites," will serve as the reference document in determining the appropriateness of proposed projects and properties. AACR Grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and will fund a broad range of preservation projects for historic sites including: architectural services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and physical preservation to structures. Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal match. There are separate funding announcements for physical preservation projects and for historical research/documentation projects. Funding announcement P18AS00485 is for physical preservation of historic sites only; P18AS00484 is for historical research/documentation projects only. This funding opportunity is for physical preservation grants.

Employment and Training Administration
Grant Title: 
Trade and Economic Transition National Dislocated Worker Grants 
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=308051
Details: To announce the availability of up to $100 million for Trade and Economic Transition National Dislocated Worker Grants (DWGs), with funding amounts of up to $8 million for each award. This grant will enable successful applicants to address ongoing or emerging workforce and economic challenges by providing training and career services to dislocated workers seeking reentry into the workforce, increasing their skill levels to become competitive for growing or high-demand employment opportunities. Available funds for this grant could be reduced by other, unforeseen DWG funding needs, such as natural disasters and national emergencies, including national health emergencies such as the opioid crisis.

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Grant Title: 
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program
Grant Info: 
Program Description The purpose of the Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction (LHR) grant program is to assist states, cities, counties/parishes, Native American Tribes or other units of local government in undertaking comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately-owned rental or owner-occupied housing populations. 2. Program Objectives Funds will be awarded to applicants to accomplish the following objectives: a. Maximize the number of children under the age of six years protected from lead poisoning and the number of housing units where lead hazards are controlled; b. Target lead hazard control efforts in housing in which children less than 6 years of age are at greatest risk of lead poisoning (pre-1960), which both currently and historically has included children residing in low-income and minority neighborhoods, to reduce the risk of elevated blood lead levels in these children less; c. Utilize cost-effective lead hazard control methods and approaches that ensures the long-term safety of the building occupants; d. Build local capacity to safely and effectively address lead hazards during lead hazard control, and renovation, remodeling, and maintenance activities by appropriate trained and certified individuals; e. Develop comprehensive, community-based approaches to integrating this grant program within other local initiatives through public and private partnerships that address housing related health and safety hazards and or serve low income families with children under the age of 6; f. Affirmatively further fair housing and further environmental justice. Note that besides being an “objective” of this NOFA, the obligation to affirmatively further fair housing is also a civil rights related program requirement; g. Establish data sharing, and targeting between health and housing departments; Specifically, for the following required reporting data pieces: (ER Visits, Asthma Incidence, ect of enrolled applicants and general pop of target area) h. Establish and implement a detailed process of monitoring and ensuring that units made lead-safe units are affirmatively marketed, and priority given, to families with young children under the age of 6 years of age for up to three years; i. Direct Job training, employment, contracting, and other economic opportunities generated by this grant will be directed to low- and very-low income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons in the area in which the project is located. For more information, see 24 CFR 135; j. Gather pre and post treatment data that supports and validates lead hazard control investments; and k. Comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”) and its implementing regulations at 24 CFR 8, and Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each of these prohibits discrimination based on disability.

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