Is there a funding opportunity for you?
The National Endowment for Arts is looking to fund research projects focusing on arts participation and arts/cultural assets. While the Employment and Training Administration is providing monies to expand opportunities for dislocated workers to upgrade skills that lead to employment and to address the skill gaps faced by employers in growing or high-demand industries. Additionally, grants are being provided by HUD to nonprofit fair housing enforcement organizations.
National Endowment for the Arts
Grant Title: NEA Research: Art Works, FY2018
Grant Info:
Details: The Arts Endowment’s support of a project may start on May 1, 2018, or any time thereafter. Grants generally may cover a period of performance of up to two years, with an exception for projects that include primary data collection as part of the proposed activity. Projects that include primary data collection may request up to three years. Projects that extend beyond one year will be required to submit an annual progress report. A grantee may not receive more than one National Endowment for the Arts grant for the same project during the same period of performance. Program Description In September 2012, the National Endowment for the Arts' (NEA) Office of Research & Analysis published a five-year research agenda, supported by a system map and measurement model. Titled How Art Works, the report offers a framework for studying research topics critical to a broader public understanding of the arts' value and/or impact for individuals and communities. In December 2016, the NEA’s research office updated its five-year agenda for 2017-2021, which reflects a tighter focus on Arts Participation and Arts/Cultural Assets as essential research topics. Arts Participation, in the new agenda, remains inclusive of various modes of participation and specific arts activities. These modes are: attending arts events; reading literature; creating or performing art; consuming art via electronic media; and learning in the arts. Arts/Cultural Assets denotes artists and arts workers, arts venues and platforms, and arts organizations and industries. The NEA is interested in research seeking to identify and to examine: • Factors that enhance or inhibit Arts Participation or Arts/Cultural Assets; • Detailed characteristics of Arts Participation or Arts Cultural/Assets, and their interrelationships; • Individual-level outcomes of Arts Participation, including those corresponding with the following domains: •social and emotional well-being o creativity, cognition, and learning • physiological processes of health and healing; and • Societal or community-level outcomes, including those corresponding with the following domains: • civic and corporate innovation • attraction for neighborhoods and businesses o national and/or state-level economic growth
Employment and Training Administration
Grant Title: Dislocated Worker Opportunity Grants
Grant Info:
Details: The Department of Labor is announcing the availability of up to $35 million for Dislocated Worker Opportunity Grants (DWOGs). Individual awards will be up to 4.3 million, and will be based on each applicant’s share of calendar year 2016 monthly averages of the Civilian Labor Force (CLF), as well as unemployment levels. A weighting of 50 percent will be assigned to both CLF and unemployment. The purpose of this funding is to enable eligible applicants to serve dislocated workers, who are unemployed and seeking reentry into the workforce, with career services and training which increases their skill levels to become competitive for growing or high-demand employment opportunities. These grants will be funded through the National Dislocated Worker Grant program. National Dislocated Worker Grants (DWGs) are discretionary grants awarded by the Secretary of Labor under section 170 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). DWGs provide time-limited employment and training assistance to dislocated workers in response to major economic dislocations or other events that affect the U.S. workforce, and which cannot be accommodated with WIOA formula funds or other relevant existing resources. For the purpose of the DWOG solicitation, the Department has recognized the impact of ongoing smaller dislocation events over time as a major dislocation event eligible for DWG assistance. The primary goals of the DWOGs are: 1.) to expand opportunities for dislocated workers to upgrade skills that lead to employment or industry-recognized credentials in growing or high-demand industries and occupations; and, 2.) to address the skill gaps faced by employers in growing or high-demand industries. In order to support an American economy that provides an opportunity for all, worker skills must align with the needs of growing or high-demand industries. DWOGs will focus on job training that provides dislocated workers, who are unlikely to return to previous occupations, an opportunity to retool and re-engage in high-growth sectors of the economy.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Grant Title: Fair Housing Initiatives Program - Private Enforcement Initiative
Grant Info:
Details: HUD is making available through this PEI NOFA $30,350,000 for Fair Housing Initiative Programs. Additional funds may become available for award under this NOFA as a result of HUD's efforts to recapture unused funds, use carryover funds, or because of the availability of additional appropriated funds. Use of these funds will be subject to statutory constraints. All awards are subject to the applicable funding restrictions described in the General Section and to those contained in this NOFA. Funding for additional years beyond FY2017 is subject to the availability of appropriations. FHIP funds are used to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act. This year, funding is available under three Initiatives: Private Enforcement (PEI), Fair Housing Organization (FHOI) and Education and Outreach (EOI) Initiatives. However, for FY2017, funding for each initiative is listed under a separate NOFA. Applicants must apply under the correct NOFA to be considered for funding. Additionally, if an applicant is eligible and applying for funding under separate initiatives and/or components, the applicant must submit a separate application under the correct NOFA for each component the applicant applies. This NOFA will consider applicants applying under PEI only. The following is a general description of PEI (see chart in section III. A. for all eligibility requirements ): Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI). This Initiative provides funding to private, non-profit fair housing enforcement organizations that meet statutory requirements to conduct investigation and enforcement of alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act. PEI applicants may be funded under the following Initiative based on eligibility: Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) - $14,519,184 (1) Multi-Year Funding Component (PEI-MYFC) Total PEI Multi-Year Funding (PEI-MYFC) is $30,350,000 ($14,519,184 of this total is set aside based upon appropriations for FY 2015 and FY 2016 Multi-year grantees. The remaining $15,830,816 will fund FY2017 grantees). Applicants may apply for funding under each FHIP NOFA as long as the applicant meets the specific eligibility requirements for each Initiative/Component.