National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Discovery Research PreK-12
Grant Info:
Details: The Discovery Research PreK-12 program (DRK-12) seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science (STEM) by preK-12 students and teachers, through research and development of STEM education innovations and approaches. Projects in the DRK-12 program build on fundamental research in STEM education and prior research and development efforts that provide theoretical and empirical justification for proposed projects. Projects should result in research-informed and field-tested outcomes and products that inform teaching and learning. Teachers and students who participate in DRK-12 studies are expected to enhance their understanding and use of STEM content, practices and skills. The DRK-12 program invites proposals that address immediate challenges that are facing preK-12 STEM education as well as those that anticipate radically different structures and functions of preK-12 teaching and learning. The DRK-12 program has three major research and development strands: (1) Assessment; (2) Learning; and (3) Teaching. The program recognizes the synergy among the three strands and that there is some overlap and interdependence among them. However, proposals should identify a clear focus of the proposed research efforts (i.e., assessment, learning, or teaching) consistent with the proposal’s main objectives and research questions. The program supports five types of projects: (1) Exploratory, (2) Design and Development, (3) Impact, (4) Implementation and Improvement, and (5) Conferences and Syntheses. All five types of projects apply to each of the three DRK-12 program strands.
National Institute of Corrections
Grant Title: Transition From Jails to Community – Technical Assistance
Grant Info:
Details: In 2007, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) launched the Transition from Jails to Community (TJC) Initiative to support the local reentry efforts of justice-involved adults. Under the Initiative, targeted technical assistance was provided to fourteen learning sites (including two jurisdictions selected in response to California Assembly Bill 109). Historically, community reintegration has proven complicated related to the brief length of stays in jails, the complex needs of justice-involved adults, and the lack of community-based coordination for supervision and/or post release treatment. These reintegration issues are more pronounced when considering the approximate 12 million adults transitioning through our nation’s 3000+ local and community jails annually. The need exists for implementation of national strategy to increase public safety while enhancing evidence based programming to support the reintegration efforts of the men and women transitioning back into our nation’s communities.
Grantor: National Institutes of Health
Grant Title: Tailoring Cardiac Rehabilitation to Enhance Participation of Older Adults (R01)
Grant Info:
Details: The overall goal of this funding announcement is to elicit applications for novel strategies to enhance referral, participation, and adherence in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) of older and vulnerable patients who are eligible for CR under current Medicare eligibility criteria. Specifically, NIA seeks clinical trials that address one or more specific age-related factors including patient-related issues, CR program goals and components, and CR program setting-related aspects. These three age-related issues represent distinct, but potentially interrelated, areas that are impacted by advancing age and are not currently addressed in traditional CR programs. Determination of the specific aspects of CR programs that may be better suited to medically complex and vulnerable older adults, such as eligibility, patient-centered goals and outcomes, and novel components and delivery systems may ultimately improve referral, enrollment, completion and overall benefit of this Medicare-supported resource. Successful modified programs should strive to improve function, independence and quality of life while reducing disability, future CV events, readmissions, morbidity and mortality.