If the weather makes going outside less than enticing, sit back and peruse this week's round of federal grant opportunities. You'll find multiple grants for the development of technologies to curtail opioid use and improve adherence to medication assisted treatment. NASA has a couple of really techy-sounding grant opportunities, and there are two research opportunities to help people living with disabilities become more independent. Click here to see the entire list, and be sure to review the three grants we've highlighted below.
Department of Agriculture
Grant Title: REAP Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Program
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=310978
Details: This program helps increase American energy independence by increasing the private sector supply of renewable energy and decreasing the demand for energy through energy efficiency improvements. To be eligible, the grantee must provide assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses.
National Science Foundation
Grant Title: Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Core Research
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=310898
Details: The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier is one mechanism by which the NSF is responding to the challenges and opportunities for the future of jobs and work. The overarching vision is to support convergent research to understand and develop the human-technology partnership, design new technologies to augment human performance, illuminate the emerging socio-technological landscape, understand the risks and benefits of new technologies, understand and influence the impact of artificial intelligence on workers and work, and foster lifelong and pervasive learning.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Grant Title: Public Scholar Program
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=310953
Details: The Public Scholar Program supports the creation of well-researched books in the humanities intended to reach a broad readership. Some humanities scholarship is necessarily specialized, but the humanities can also engage broad audiences in exploring subjects of general interest. Such scholarship might present a narrative history, tell the stories of important individuals, analyze significant texts, provide a synthesis of ideas, revive interest in a neglected subject, or examine the latest thinking on a topic.