Volunteer Recruitment

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In a recent interview with a prospective client, we were asked about our approach to volunteer recruitment. Our response was fairly straightforward. Network with high schools, particularly those that require community service as part of the curriculum. Direct market to student groups at colleges and universities. And, get in front of as many civic groups as possible, especially any young professionals' and retirees' organizations in the community. 

But the bigger question was left unasked. What should we do with volunteers once we have them?

One of the best book studies I have ever participated in was of The (Help!) I-Don't-Have-Enough-Time Guide to Volunteer Management. In fact, I loved this book so much that I have tried to emulate its basic structure and flow for my own forthcoming book, Grant Funding: Making Grant Writing Work for Your Organization. (More on that soon!)

If your organization struggles with any aspect of volunteer management, I highly recommend reading the Guide and conducting a book study for all staff members involved with volunteers (be sure to include a volunteer or two, their perspective will be invaluable to the process).

That said, we would like to help you out a little bit. A couple of organizations have reached out to us recently to inquire about nonprofits looking for volunteers. So, we're putting together a little registry. If you would like to be included as an organization in need of volunteers, visit this short survey to provide your details and we will be glad to include you in the listing.

If you have specific challenges related to volunteer management that you would like to discuss, join the conversation in our LinkedIn group, Grant Funding: Making Grant Writing Work for Your Organization.


Please note: We are in no way being compensated for recommending The (Help!) I-Don't-Have-Enough-Time Guide to Volunteer Management. This is simply one of the best, most practical nonprofit management texts we have ever encountered.


The KFA Nonprofit Team

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