Grant Round Up: Week of July 30 to August 6, 2018

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DHS-DHS Department of Homeland Security - FEMA Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant (EMBAG) DHS-18-NPD-131-00-01
FY 2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance DHS-18-MT-029-000-99
Fy 2018 Pre-Disaster Mitigation DHS-18-MT-047-000-99
DHS-OPO Office of Procurement Operations - Grants Division 2018 CyberTipline Program CE-CYT-18-001
DOC Department of Commerce FY 2019 Species Recovery Grants to Tribes NOAA-NMFS-PRPO-2019-2005745
2019/2020 Sea Scallop Research Set Aside NOAA-NMFS-NEFSC-2019-2005749
Species Recovery Grants to States (Section 6 Program) NOAA-NMFS-PRPO-2019-2005747
DOD-AMRAA Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA) for Extramural Biomedical Research and Development  W81XWH-18-S-SOC1
DOD-DARPA-DSO DARPA - Defense Sciences Office Space Environment Exploitation (SEE) HR001118S0055
DOD-ONR-SEA-NSWCIH NSWC Indian Head Naval Engineering Education Consortium (NEEC) Broad Agency Announcement for FY18 N00174180001
DOI-BOR Bureau of Reclamation Planning, Design, and Construction of the Mowry Bridge Retrofit for the Reach 2B and Mendota Pool Bypass Improvement Project BOR-MP-18-N014
Water Conservation Field Services Program BOR-PN-18-F010
DOI-USGS1 Geological Survey National Land Remote Sensing Education Outreach and Research Activity (NLRSEORA) G18AS00114
DOS-BIH U.S. Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth Leadership and Teacher Professional Development Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina - Local Partner  008-FY2018
DOS-IRQ U.S. Mission to Iraq Promoting Reconciliation in Iraq through Journalism DOS-BAGHDAD-PD-2018-008
DOS-LAO U.S. Mission to Laos 2019 YSEALI Regional Workshop: Eco & Sustainable Tourism PD-LAO-2018-001
DOT-FRA DOT/Federal Railroad Administration FY18 Transportation Emergency Response Training FR-SEC-18-001
ED Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Open Textbooks Pilot Program CFDA Number 84.116T ED-GRANTS-073018-001
ED Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Pilot Program for Cybersecurity Education Technological Upgrades for Community Colleges CFDA Number 84.116R ED-GRANTS-073018-002
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Grants to States for School Emergency (GSEM) Program CFDA Number 84.184Q ED-GRANTS-080218-001
HHS-HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) HRSA-19-055
HHS-NIH11 National Institutes of Health Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards in Mobile and Wireless Health Technology and Data Analytics: Cross-Training at the intersection of Behavioral and Social Sciences and STEM Disciplines (K18 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-881
Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards in Mobile and Wireless Health Technology and Data Analytics: Cross-Training at the intersection of Behavioral and Social Sciences and STEM Disciplines (K18 Independent Clinical Trial Required) PAR-18-882
Novel Approaches to Safe, Non-Invasive, Real Time Assessment of Human Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-885
Novel Approaches to Safe, Non-Invasive, Real Time Assessment of Human Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-884
Innovations for Healthy Living - Improving Minority Health and Eliminating Health Disparities (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-MD-18-009
Technologies for Improving Minority Health and Eliminating Health Disparities (R41/R42- Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-MD-18-010
Genomic Innovator Award (R35 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-HG-18-006
NCI Research Specialist (Laboratory-based Scientist) Award (R50 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-888
NCI Research Specialist (Core-based Scientist) Award (R50 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-18-887
Discovery of Biomarkers, Biomarker Signatures, and Endpoints for Pain (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-NS-18-041
New Paradigms in Tissue Communication-from mediators to metabolic function (RC2 Clinical Trials Optional) PAR-18-886
NASA-JSC NASA Johnson Space Center Appendix B: NASA Human Research Program Omnibus Opportunity 80JSC018N0001-OMNIBUS
Appendix A: NASA Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions 80JSC018N0001-FLAGSHIP
NEA National Endowment for the Arts NEA Research: Art Works, FY2019 2019NEAORA
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities Open Book Program 20180926-HZ
NSF National Science Foundation SOCIOLOGY PROGRAM - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards 18-577
Enabling Quantum Leap: Convergent Accelerated Discovery Foundries for Quantum Materials Science, Engineering and Information 18-578

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