Grant Round Up: Week of 4/10/18-4/16/18

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Grantor: NASA Headquarters

Grant Title: ROSES 2018: Astrophysics Science SmallSat Studies

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Department of the Interior

Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Lake Casitas Recreation Improvements

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restoration and Fencing Projects-Glacier National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conduct post-fire bird surveys at Bandelier National Monument

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Archaeological Site Preservation Maintenance

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: NPS Academy Park Internships 2018

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Little Colorado River Humpback Chub Monitoring

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Grantor: Fish and Wildlife Service

Grant Title: White-Nose Syndrome Grants to State Wildlife Management Agencies.  Endangered Species Conservation Recovery Implementation

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Conservation Trails Hitch Crew to work on the project that will Rehabilitate Exit Glacier Area Trails Kenai Fjords National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: P16AC00586 Mod 02, CCC Era Dry Stone Wall Training

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Test and Apply Stone Conservation Methods to Stabilize Disintegrating Petrified Stumps

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Interpretation Intern

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Repurposing Science and History for our citizens

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Monitoring of Endangered American Martens in the Apostile Islands NL

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Yosemite National Park Front and Backcountry Trail Rehabilitation Work - CCC Crew

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Invasive Plant Project in Southern Colorado

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: YCC Crew- Yavapai-Apache Nation

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Rocky Mountain National Park Trails Work 2018

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Sampling

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Improve Visitor Use Areas throughout Little Bighorn National Battlefield

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: DEP for the Nation: State Plans

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Gardiner Gateway Project

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Train Student Intern in Fulfilling Laws that Support American Citizens' Relationship with Park Lands

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Engage Tribal Youth in Preservation of Ancient Masonry

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Online Cultural Resources of Glacier National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: The Little Yosemite Valley Backcountry Internship Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Experiential Nearshore Learning - GRPO

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement

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Grantor: U. S. Geological Survey

Grant Title: Non-Competitive Cooperative Agreement

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Snake River Headwaters Gauging and Remote Sensing

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Natural Resource Information via the Web and Publications

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Wolf Predation on Beavers and Moose in Voyageurs National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Hydrographic Surveys and Other Aquatic Studies at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and Lake Superior National Parks

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Wind Cave National Park (WICA) Youth Professional Program (YPP) Diversity Interns

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Fee Management Agreement for Muir Woods National Monument

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Trail Work at Rocky Mountain National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Student Conservation Association Intern

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Adventure Outdoor Recreation History and Management

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Designing and Enhancing Outdoor Exhibits to Interpret Florissant Fossil Beds

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Gardiner Basin Restoration Trials Using Indaziflam Herbicide

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Grantor: National Park Service

Develop a Repeat Photography Program to engage visitors and document landscape changes

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Ice Age National Scientific Reserve- IATR

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Bison Ecology and Management Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Trail and Fence Maintenance along the Northeast Quadrant

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Signing and Partnerships along National Historic Trails

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Land and Water Conservation Fund Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Rehabilitate Slide Lake Trail Sections with SCA Youth Crew

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Restore Trails and Native Vegetation at Canyonlands National Park

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Repair Castle Trail

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Grantor: Bureau of Land Management

Grant Title: BLM JFSP Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN)

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Rehabilitate Park Creek Trail Sections with SCA Youth Crew

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Integrated Upland Vegetation and Spring Vegetation Field Work for Mojave Desert Netweork

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Native Hawaiian Law Training Workshop

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Grantor: Bureau of Reclamation

Grant Title: Water Conservation Field Services Program Nebraska-Kansas Area Office

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Shoreline Recreational Use Projects Documentation

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: RMC-CC Crew working with the Rocky Mountain National P

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Youth Stabilize & Repair Trails and Vistas of the Appalachian Trail

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Grantor: National Park Service

Grant Title: Repair Trails and Mark Boundary Lines at Shenandoah NP

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Environmental Protection Agency

Grantor: Environmental Protection Agency

Grant Title: Puerto Rico Youth and the Environment Program

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Department of Energy

Grantor: Office of Science

Grant Title: Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Quantum Information Science

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Department of Transportation

Grantor: Maritime Administration

Grant Title: FY 2018 Notice of Funding Available for Small Shipyard Grants

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Grantor: DOT Federal Highway Administration

Grant Title: Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives

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Department of Health and Human Services

Grantor: Centers for Disease Control - NCCDPHP

Grant Title: Improving the Health of Americans Through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke-Financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health Funds (PPHF)

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Grantor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis

Grant Title: Mental Health Awareness Training Grants

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Grantor: Administration for Community Living

Grant Title: Grants to Enhance State Adult Protective Services

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Addressing the Challenges of the Opioid Epidemic in Minority Health and Health Disparities Research in the U.S. (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Addressing the Challenges of the Opioid Epidemic in Minority Health and Health Disparities Research in the U.S. (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Research Supplements to Promote Data Sharing in Cancer Epidemiology Studies (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

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Grantor: Agency for Health Care Research and Quality

Grant Title: Making Health care Safer in Ambulatory Care Settings and Long Term Care Facilities (R18)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Examining Diversity, Recruitment and Retention in Aging Research (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

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Grantor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis

Grant Title: Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (Short Title: CHR-P)

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Grantor: Administration for Community Living

Grant Title: No Wrong Door System Business Case Development

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Novel Biomarkers for the Development of HIV Incidence Assays with Improved Specificity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Next-Generation Biologics for Sustained HIV Remission (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

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Grantor: Centers for Disease Control - CGH

Grant Title: Assisting the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) in Providing Critical Human Resources for Health to Achieve HIV Epidemic Control in Namibia under PEPFAR

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Novel Biomarkers for the Development of HIV Incidence Assays with Improved Specificity (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Administrative Supplements to NCI Grant and Cooperative Agreement Awards to Support Collaborations with the Drug Resistance and Sensitivity Network (DRSN)(Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology Research to Address Health Disparities in the U.S. (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

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Grantor: National Institutes of Health

Grant Title: NIMH Career Transition Award for Tenure-Track Intramural Investigators (K22 No Independent Clinical Trials)

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Grantor: Administration for Community Living

Grant Title: Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer

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Grantor: Centers for Disease Control - NCBDDD

Grant Title: Reaching Healthcare Professionals in the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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Grantor: Health Resources and Services Administration

Grant Title: UA6 Life Course Intervention Research Network (LCI-RN)

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Grantor: Centers for Disease Control - NCCDPHP

Grant Title: State Physical Activity and Nutrition Program

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Department of Labor

Grantor: Employment and Training Administration

Grant Title: State Occupational Licensing Review and Reform

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Grantor: Employment and Training Administration

Grant Title: Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations Project

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Department of Justice

Grantor: National Institute of Corrections

Grant Title: Executive Excellence:  A Professional Development Program for Correctional Leaders

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Grantor: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention

Grant Title: OJJDP FY 18 Law Enforcement-Youth Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program

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Grantor: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention

Grant Title: OJJDP FY 18 State System Enhancements for Youth Offenders

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Department of State

Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Anti-TIP International Youth Champions Conclave

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Grantor: Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

Grant Title: EXBS Program Logistics Support

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Grantor: Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific

Grant Title: Science Envoy Program Administrative Support

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Afghanistan

Grant Title: U.S.-China Afghan Diplomat Training Program

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Grantor: Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation

Grant Title: Strategic Trade Control Implementing Regulations in Kenya and Morocco

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Gender Equity: Women’s Equality, Empowerment and Leadership through Safe Higher Educational and Work Spaces

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: This House Believes That: A U.S.-India Comparative Constitutional Law Debate Project

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Youth Leaders as Change Makers

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Art and Heritage Conservationist Summit

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Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title: Institutionalizing CITES Training Programs for Front-line Customs Enforcement Institutionalizing CITES Training Programs for Front-line Customs Enforcement

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Women Shaping the Narrative in Media and Entertainment

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Let’s Get Serious: Comic Videos to Promote Study in the U.S.

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Grantor: Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific

Grant Title: Science Envoy Program Administrative Support

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Documentary Filmmaking for Social Activism

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Promoting Diversity and Tolerance through Interfaith and Interclass Community Service Projects

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Grantor: Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement

Grant Title: Vietnam Criminal Trial Advocacy Project

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Afghanistan

Grant Title: South Asia Higher Education Symposium

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: English Access Microscholarship Alumni Engagement (REPOST)

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: North India Small Grants Program

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Supporting Young Entrepreneurs and Effective Incubators in Tier II/III Cities in India

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Grantor: Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Title: FY 2018 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute

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Grantor: Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Title: FY 2018 U.S. Exchange Alumni Network and Capacity Building Program

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Grantor: Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor

Grant Title: FY18 DRL Labor Rights and Mega Sporting Events

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Grantor: Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

Grant Title: Design and Implementation of the English Access Microscholarship Program, 2018-2020

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: EcoCinema: A Greener World through Art

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Grantor: Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Title: FY 2018 Global Sports Mentoring Program

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Catch Them Young with the Entrepreneurship Bug

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Grantor: Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Title: FY 2018 TechWomen Program

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Grantor: Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Grant Title: FY 2018 Global Media Makers

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to the Dominican Republic

Grant Title: Strengthening Evaluation and Assessment in English teaching

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Supporting Young Entrepreneurs and Effective Incubators in Tier II/III Cities in India

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Malawi

Grant Title: U.S. Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund, U.S Embassy Lilongwe

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Travelling Film Festival for Women’s Safety and Empowerment

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Debate Clubs to Foster Leadership Skills in Underprivileged Youth

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to the Dominican Republic

Grant Title: Increasing access to English teaching resources for public school teachers in the Dominican Republic

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Vietnam

Grant Title: English Language Teaching Program

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to India

Grant Title: Games for Good: Designing Games with a Social Impact

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Grantor: U.S. Mission to Vietnam

Grant Title: American Center Technology Club

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Agency for International Development

Grantor: Philippines USAID-Manila

Grant Title: Gabay (Guide): Strengthening Inclusive Education for Blind/Deaf Children

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Grantor: Agency for International Development

Grant Title: RFI--Landscape Conservation in Western Tanzania

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Grantor: Thailand USAID-Bangkok

Grant Title: USAID Learn to Read Activity

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Grantor: Serbia USAID-Belgrade

Grant Title: Constituencies for Judicial Reform in Serbia

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Department of Defense

Grantor: Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command

Grant Title: Proof of Concept Commercialization Pilot Program Innovation Corps @ Department of Defense (I-Corps @ DoD) Fiscal Year 2018

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Therapeutic Idea Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Therapeutic Development Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Ovarian Cancer Investigator-Initiated Research Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Ovarian Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Academy- Early-Career Investigator Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Ovarian Cancer, Omics Consortium Development Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Ovarian Cancer Clinical Development Award

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Grantor: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

Grant Title: DoD Ovarian Cancer Pilot Award

Grant Info:

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