CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission | Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Grant Program | CP-NZB-23-001 |
DOC | Department of Commerce | NOAA SBIR FY 2024 Phase I | NOAA-OAR-TPO-2024-2008184 |
DOC-DOCNOAAERA | DOC NOAA - ERA Production | Fiscal Year 2025 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship | NOAA-OAR-SG-2025-23655 |
DOD-DARPA-DSO | DARPA - Defense Sciences Office | Defense Sciences Office (DSO) Office-wide BAA | HR001123S0053 |
DOD-ONR | Office of Naval Research | Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology | N0001424SB001 |
DOE-GFO | Golden Field Office | DE-FOA-0003126 Grid Development Office (GDO) Wholesale Electricity Market Studies and Engagements Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) | DE-FOA-0003126 |
DOI-FWS | Fish and Wildlife Service | F24AS00055 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund: HCP Land Acquisition | F24AS00055 |
Fish and Wildlife Service | F24AS00053 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund: Conservation Planning Assistance | F24AS00053 | |
Fish and Wildlife Service | F24AS00060 Protecting and Conserving African Elephant Priority Populations | F24AS00060 | |
Fish and Wildlife Service | F24AS00022 - Coastal Program - FY24 | F24AS00022 | |
DOS-BIH | U.S. Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina | Training People with Disabilities for Cybersecurity Jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina | BH-01-2023-4 |
DOT-FHWA | DOT Federal Highway Administration | 2024 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund | 2024TTPSF |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | Region 10 Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Wetland Program Development Grants | EPA-REG10-WPDG-23-01 |
Environmental Protection Agency | Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Construction Materials and Products | EPA-R-OCSPP-OPPT-FY2023-001 | |
Environmental Protection Agency | Region 3 Fiscal Year 2023 Wetland Program Development Grants | EPA-REG3-WPDG-23-01 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Health and Health Care Disparities Among Persons Living with Disabilities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) | PAR-23-309 |
National Institutes of Health | Senator Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Specialized Research Centers (MDSRC) (P50 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-NS-23-032 | |
National Institutes of Health | Developing novel theory and methods for understanding the genetic architecture of complex human traits (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-301 | |
National Institutes of Health | Developing novel theory and methods for understanding the genetic architecture of complex human traits (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-302 | |
National Institutes of Health | Fc-Dependent Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated Killing (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-AI-23-054 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Studies of the Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Complex Morbidity Involving SUD, Psychiatric Disorders, and HIV (R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) Required) | RFA-DA-24-006 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Studies of the Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Complex Morbidity Involving SUD, Psychiatric Disorders, and HIV (R01 Clinical Trials Optional) | RFA-DA-24-005 | |
National Institutes of Health | NIDCR Award for Sustaining Outstanding Achievement in Research (SOAR) (R35 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-DE-24-006 | |
National Institutes of Health | Seeking Products to Address Social Needs impacting Substance Use Disorders (SUD) (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-25-047 | |
National Institutes of Health | Seeking Products to Address Social Needs impacting Substance Use Disorders (SUD) (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-25-048 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment (R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) | RFA-DA-24-032 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-24-031 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment (R61/R33 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) | RFA-DA-24-034 | |
National Institutes of Health | Mechanistic Research on Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorders Treatment (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-24-033 | |
National Institutes of Health | Cancer Research Education Grants Program - Courses for Skills Development (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-276 | |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development | Fair Housing Initiatives Program - Education and Outreach Initiative | FR-6700-N-21-A |
Department of Housing and Urban Development | Fair Housing Initiative Program - Fair Housing Organizations Initiative | FR-6700-N-21-B | |
Department of Housing and Urban Development | Fair Housing Initiatives Program – Private Enforcement Initiative | FR-6700-N-21-C | |
NASA-HQ | NASA Headquarters | ROSES 2023: B.21 Heliophysics Citizen Science Investigations | NNH23ZDA001N-HCSI |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Competition for the Management of Operation and Maintenance of the National Geophysical Facility | 23-623 |
National Science Foundation | Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity | 23-625 | |
National Science Foundation | Advancing Research Capacity at HBCUs through Exploration and Innovation | 23-626 | |
National Science Foundation | Research on Innovative Technologies for Enhanced Learning | 23-624 | |
National Science Foundation | Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Faculty Catalyst Awards | 23-628 | |
National Science Foundation | NSF Trailblazer Engineering Impact Award (Trailblazer) | 23-629 | |
National Science Foundation | Ethical and Responsible Research | 23-630 | |
PAMS-SC | Office of Science | FY 2024 Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program | DE-FOA-0003177 |
USAID-MOR | Morocco USAID-Rabat | Morocco Climate Program | 72060823APS00001 |
USDA-RUS | Rural Utilities Service | Solid Waste Management Grant Program | SWMFY24 |
USDOJ-OJP-BJA | Bureau of Justice Assistance | BJA FY2023 Invited to Apply – Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Supplements) | O-BJA-2023-171887 |
GRANT ROUND UP 9/25/23 TO 10/02/23
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