DHS-DHS | Department of Homeland Security - FEMA | Fiscal Year 2023 Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant (EMBAG) | DHS-23-NPD-131-00-99 | |
DHS-OPO | Office of Procurement Operations - Grants Division | Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Nuclear Forensics Research Award (NFRA) | DHS-23-CWMD-130-NFRA-001 | |
DOC | Department of Commerce | FY2023 Ocean-Based Climate Resilience | NOAA-NOS-IOOS-2023-2008077 | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DOD Toxic Exposures, Translational Research Award | HT9425-23-TERP-TRA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DOD Toxic Exposures, Clinical Trial Award | HT9425-23-TERP-CTA | |
DOD-AMRAA | Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA | DOD Toxic Exposures, Investigator-Initiated Research Award | HT9425-23-TERP-IIRA | |
DOD-COE-ERDC | Engineer Research and Development Center | Scalable Water Resilience | W81EWF-23-SOI-0026 | |
DOD-DARPA-MTO | DARPA - Microsystems Technology Office | Advanced Sources for Single-event Effects Radiation Testing (ASSERT) | HR001123S0047 | |
DOE-GFO | Golden Field Office | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Silicon Solar Manufacturing, and Dual-use Photovoltaics Incubator | DE-FOA-0003057 | |
DOI-BOEM | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | NT-23-X13: Zooplankton Ecology of the western Gulf of Maine: trends in abundance and diversity | M23AS00425 | |
DOI-BOEM | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | Mid-Atlantic SAND Expansion of Mid-Atlantic OCS Sand Supply and Demand Assessment | M23AS00346 | |
DOI-NPS | National Park Service | FY2023 Historic Preservation Fund- African American Civil Rights- History Grants | P23AS00471 | |
DOI-NPS | National Park Service | FY2023 Historic Preservation Fund- African American Civil Rights- Preservation Grants | P23AS00472 | |
DOL-ILAB | Bureau of International Labor Affairs | Promoting Quality Jobs in Infrastructure Development | FOA-ILAB-23-22 | |
DOS-CIV | U.S. Mission to Cote d Ivoire | Bolstering the Ability of African Governments to Conduct Sovereign Debt Negotiations | DOS-ABJ-FY23-02 | |
DOS-GTIP | Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons | 2023 Notification of Funding Opportunity- Formative Research on Child Trafficking in Nepal | SFOP0009867 | |
DOS-GTIP | Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons | 2023 Rapid Landscape and Gap Analysis on Human Trafficking | SFOP0009866 | |
DOS-GTIP | Office to Monitor-Combat Trafficking in Persons | 2023 TIP Office Funding Opportunity - Comprehensive Bilateral Anti-Trafficking Program in Zambia | SFOP0009917 | |
DOS-INL | Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement | Model Precinct/Smart Policing Training Project - Lima | INL23CA0038-WHPPERU-SMARTPOLICE-07062023 | |
DOS-INL | Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement | Supporting Special Justice Sector Actors in Peru | INL23CA0049-WHPLIMA-JUSACCESS-070623 | |
DOS-NER | U.S. Mission to Niger | Africa Regional Democracy Fund | ARDF-2023 | |
DOS-NZL | U.S. Mission to New Zealand | Promoting Women's Participation and Leadership in the Pacific's Clean Energy Transition | SUVA-WOMEN-LEADERSHIP-CLEAN-ENERGY-001 | |
DOS-PMWRA | Bureau of Political-Military Affairs - WRA | 23.PMWRA.Paraguay | SFOP0009936 | |
DOS-SSD | U.S. Mission to South Sudan | U.S. Embassy Juba Media Training Program: Building Journalistic Capacity through Investigative Reporting | DOS-JUB-NOFO-2023-02 | |
DOS-ZAF | U.S. Mission to South Africa | Mission South Africa American Spaces Staffing Management | PAS-ZAF-FY23-08 | |
DOT-DOT X-50 | 69A345 Office of the Under Secretary for Policy | Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program | DOT-RCP-FY23-01 | |
DOT-DOT X-50 | 69A345 Office of the Under Secretary for Policy | Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Program | DOT-NAE-FY23-01 | |
DOT-FHWA | DOT Federal Highway Administration | 2023 Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program | 693JJ3-NSFTLP-FY23 | |
DOT-FRA | DOT - Federal Railroad Administration | FY23 Hackensack Substation #42 Resiliency Improvements Project | FR-SAN-23-001 | |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | Pesticide Inspector Residential Training (PIRT) | EPA-HQ-OECA-2023-001 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Single Source : NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research: NeuroImaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-EB-23-003 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Preclinical Proof of Concept Studies for Rare Diseases (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-TR-23-016 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Primary Care-Based Screening Tool and Intervention Development for the Detection and Prevention of Abuse and Neglect in Older and Vulnerable Adults With, or at Risk for, Mild Cognitive Impairment and AD/ADRD (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required) | RFA-AG-24-048 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Development and Validation of Harmonized Methodologies to Measure NAD+ and Related Metabolites in Clinical Trials (U01 Clinical Trial Required) | RFA-AG-24-039 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-ES-23-011 | |
HHS-NIH11 | National Institutes of Health | ADVANCE Predoctoral T32 Training Program to Promote Diversity in Health Disparities Research, Preventive Interventions, and Methodology (T32, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-OD-23-018 | |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development | Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants | FR-6700-N-25 | |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development | FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration for Public Housing | FR-6700-N-80 | |
NASA-HQ | NASA Headquarters | ROSES 2023: Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science | NNH23ZDA001N-ADSPS | |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities | Dynamic Language Infrastructure Documenting Endangered Languages Fellowships | 20230913-FN | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Facility and Instrumentation Request Process | 23-602 | |
SBA | Small Business Administration | OWBO 2023 Minority Serving Institutions Wave II | SB-OEDWB-23-003 | |
SBA | Small Business Administration | OWBO 2023 WBC Initial Phase for District of Columbia and Oregon | SB-OEDWB-23-002 | |
USAID-AFG | Afghanistan USAID-Kabul | Accessible and Quality Basic Education (AQBE) | 72030623RFA00001 | |
USAID-MAL | Mali USAID -Bamako | USAID/Mali Shifin ni Tagne Activity Addendum to YouthPower 2 Annual Program Statement | 72068823APS00001 | |
USAID-NEP | Nepal USAID-Kathmandu | USAID Integrated Nutrition | 72036723RFA00006 | |
USDA-FAS | Foreign Agricultural Service | Fertilizer Right: Bolstering Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Pakistan | USDA-FAS-10960-0700-10-23-0017 | |
USDA-FNS1 | Food and Nutrition Service | Mobile Application Cooperative Agreement, SNAP Farmers and Markets | USDA-FNS-SNAP-SFMMA-2023 | |
USDA-NIFA | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase I | USDA-NIFA-SBIR-009962 |
Grant Round Up 7/6/23 to 7/10/23
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