Week of 7/23/18

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There are two grants supporting apprenticeships from the Department of Labor. The first grant supports women in apprenticeable occupations and nontraditional occupations by providing technical assistance  to employers and labor unions. The second grant supports sector-based approaches to expanding efforts to develop and implement apprenticeships on a national scale in key industry sectors. To finish, HRSA announces another one of its Service Area Competitions. These grants help organizations provide primary health care services to the Nation’s medically undeserved populations.

Employment and Training Administration
Grant Title: Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations Technical Assistance Grant Program
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=307197
Details: This program is intended to provide technical assistance (“TA”) to employers and labor unions to encourage employment of women in apprenticeable occupations and nontraditional occupations (“A/NTO”), specifically by: • Developing (establishing, expanding or enhancing) pre-apprenticeship or nontraditional skills training programs designed to prepare women for careers in A/NTO; • Providing ongoing orientations for employers, unions, and workers on creating a successful environment for women in A/NTO; and/or • Setting up support groups and facilitating networks for women in A/NTO, to improve their retention. Applicants may propose to provide technical assistance to support women’s participation and success in the full range of industries in which women are traditionally underrepresented or disproportionately concentrated in the lower-wage occupations. Such industries include but are not limited to: advanced manufacturing, energy, healthcare, information technology, and transportation

Employment and Training Administration
Grant Title: Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies 
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=307212
Details: The purpose of this grant program is to support sector-based approaches to expanding efforts to develop and implement apprenticeships on a national scale in key industry sectors .  The overarching goals of this grant program are threefold: (1) to accelerate the expansion of apprenticeships to new industry sectors reliant on H-1B visas, (2) to promote the large-scale expansion of apprenticeships across the nation, and (3) to increase apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans. Grant funds will be awarded to institutions of higher education in partnership with national industry associations, which together seek to develop, implement, and take to a national scale a new apprenticeship model; or expand an existing apprenticeship program to a new industry sector or occupation or a new population, on a national scale. 

Health Resources and Services Administration
Grant Title: Service Area Competition
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=307228
Details: This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The Health Center Program supports public and private nonprofit community-based and patient-directed organizations that provide primary health care services to the Nation’s medically underserved populations. The purpose of the SAC NOFO is to ensure continued access to affordable, quality primary health care services for communities and vulnerable populations currently served by the Health Center Program. This NOFO details the SAC eligibility requirements, review criteria, and awarding factors for organizations seeking funding for operational support to provide primary health care services to an announced service area. For the purposes of this document, the term "health center" encompasses Health Center Program award recipients funded under the following subsections: Community Health Center (CHC – section 330(e)), Migrant Health Center (MHC – section 330(g)), Health Care for the Homeless (HCH – section 330(h)), and/or Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC – section 330(i)).

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