Week of 4/3/18

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Just released from the National Endowment for the Humanities is their Common Heritage grant. This program aims to capture the cultural heritage in our homes, family histories, and life stories and preserve it for future generations.  State agencies are being awarded funding from the Employment and Training Administration for youth activities in their WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Programs. Monies are being awarded to organizations to become an accreditated organization for children’s advocacy or other activities related to children’s advocacy.

National Endowment for the Humanities
Grant Title: Common Heritage
Grant Infohttps://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=302236
Details: America’s cultural heritage is preserved not only in libraries, museums, archives, and other community organizations, but also in all of our homes, family histories, and life stories. The Common Heritage program aims to capture this vitally important part of our country’s heritage and preserve it for future generations. Common Heritage will support both the digitization of cultural heritage materials and the organization of outreach through community events that explore and interpret these materials as a window on the community’s history and culture. The Common Heritage program considers a community to be a city or town (or a part of a city or town) that has been strongly shaped by geographical and historical forces. Members of the public in that community may have diverse family histories and heritage, or they may share a historical, cultural, or linguistic heritage. The program recognizes that members of the public—in partnership with libraries, museums, archives, and historical organizations—have much to contribute to the understanding of our cultural mosaic. Together, such institutions and the public can be effective partners in the appreciation and stewardship of our common heritage. The program supports events organized by community cultural institutions, which members of the public will be invited to attend. At these events experienced staff will digitize the community historical materials brought in by the public. Project staff will also record descriptive information—provided by community attendees—about the historical materials. Contributors will be given a free digital copy of their items to take home, along with the original materials. With the owner’s permission, digital copies of these materials would be included in the institutions’ collections. Historical photographs, artifacts, documents, family letters, art works, and audiovisual recordings are among the many items eligible for digitization and public commemoration. Projects must also provide community outreach via public events that would expand understanding of the community’s history or heritage. Public programs could include lectures, panels, reading and discussion groups, special gallery tours, screening and discussion of relevant films, presentations by a historian, special initiatives for families and children, interpretation by curators about items brought in by the public, workshops on preserving heritage materials, or other activities that bring humanities perspectives on heritage materials to community audiences. These activities must be rooted in the analysis of and engagement with humanities questions. The programs may take place before, during, and/or after the day of the digitization event. Applicants must include in their proposals a humanities topic around which the event and the programs would be organized. Topics proposed for the public programs may also be proposed for the digitization event. The applicant institution must plan, promote, and organize the event and ensure that a wide range of historical materials can be digitized and also contextualized through public programming. Since the help of additional institutions and organizations in the community may be needed to accomplish this work, the applicant must take responsibility for enlisting appropriate organizations or institutions, such as local libraries and museums, to contribute to the project, as needed.

Employment and Training Administration
Grant Title: Planning Estimate for Program Year (PY) 2018 Allotments for the WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Programs
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=302153
Details: ETA is providing states with estimated PY 2018 allotment levels for the WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker programs, in order to plan programmatic activities. These allotment levels are provided as an estimate and will change based on the enacted fiscal year (FY 2018) full-year appropriation. The funding levels in this guidance letter can provide states with a general idea of how their funding will change in PY 2018. For YOUTH funding ONLY, all states should submit an electronically signed copy of an SF- 424, Application for Federal Assistance, through Grants.gov, using the amounts listed in this Planning Estimate TEGL. ETA will award the PY 2018 WIOA Youth funds once they are available for obligation and as SF-424s are received. If the final allotment amount a state receives is higher than the planning estimate amount reflected on its SF-424, the state will have to submit a revised SF-424 showing the adjusted amount.

Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Grant Title: OJJDP FY 18 VOCA Support for Children's Advocacy Centers
Grant Info: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=302242
Details: Cat 1: This program will fund a national membership and accreditation organization for children’s advocacy center programs. The funding will enable the successful applicant to provide services to membership organizations and to implement standards for program accreditation. Cat 2: This program will provide funding to manage a national grant awards program for local children’s advocacy center programs. Cat 3: This program funds CACs to provide services for child pornography victims. Cat 4: This program will fund a national organization to implement a pilot program targeted to communities with substantial military installations for the purpose of establishing CAC models inclusive of the following military partners; military investigative agencies, medical and Command personnel, and Family Advocacy Program representatives.

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