Along with 30+ new federal funding opportunities, we wanted to make educators aware of grant programs that could benefit their classrooms. Those in the San Diego area might be interested in the educator grants from the Cal Coast Care Foundation. The deadline for this application is this Friday (Aug. 9), so hurry and file your application. North Carolina teachers have until September to apply for grants from the EnergyUnited's Bright Idea's program. Teachers in the Lower Connecticut River Valley can apply for multi-year environmental education grants from the Rockfall Foundation. The deadline for this program isn't until November.
Department of Homeland Security
Grant Title: Citizenship and Assimilation Grant Program
Grant Info:
Details: The goal of the Citizenship and Assimilation Grant Program is to expand the availability of high quality citizenship preparation services for lawful permanent residents in communities across the nation and to provide opportunities for lawful permanent residents to gain the knowledge and training necessary to assimilate into the fabric of American society. School districts, municipalities, nonprofits, universities and others are eligible.
Department of Commerce
Grant Title: International Coral Reef Conservation Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Grant Info:
Details: The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program provides matching grants and cooperative agreements for international coral reef conservation projects. CRCP solicits proposals that will support the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Strategic Plan, which uses a resilience-based management approach, focused on conservation that supports the ability of corals to withstand and recover from stress.
Department of Agriculture
Grant Title: Forest Service - Landscape Scale Restoration
Grant Info:
Details: The purpose of the Landscape Scale Restoration competitive grant program is to encourage collaborative, science-based restoration of priority forest landscapes, leverage public and private resources, and support priorities identified in State Forest Action Plans. The program will distribute $3.8 million.